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Good Friday and Easter?

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It moves because of the spring equinox as I understand it its the first full moon of the spring equinox


It's the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.


I like it that it's a moveable feast and would hate to see the date fixed as businesses and shops are pushing for.

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You can do whatever you like, why should you get to dictate to everyone else though?


In this modern age we struggle with family life and communication , would you not want to invest in your childrens lives as richly as possible, this is what originally bank holidays were for family outings to the coast or countryside, to spend time enriching each others lives.

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In this modern age we struggle with family life and communication , would you not want to invest in your childrens lives as richly as possible, this is what originally bank holidays were for family outings to the coast or countryside, to spend time enriching each others lives.


This modern age is moving away from work being Monday to Friday 9-5. Not everyone can have a working pattern that allows all weekend and bank holidays off...

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Educated people don't work Sundays unless they are doctors, which I am not. Sunday working is for chumps.


I get paid half a week's salary to work a Saturday or a Sunday. So I really don't mind.


We are also more educated than most ;)

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This modern age is moving away from work being Monday to Friday 9-5. Not everyone can have a working pattern that allows all weekend and bank holidays off...


what about family life ? how do children cope with Parents working like this ? no wonder children suffer from not being able to communicate within the family , if they have no relationship to learn from .

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It's the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.


I like it that it's a moveable feast and would hate to see the date fixed as businesses and shops are pushing for.

And some churches. Anyway, the Easter Act 1928- although enacted**- was never brought into force.


** See http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo5/18-19/35/contents. I've copied it below but added bold and underlining.


1. Easter-day shall, in the calendar year next but one after the commencement of this Act and in all subsequent years, be the first Sunday after the second Saturday in April, and section three of the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750, the new calendar, tables and rules annexed to that Act, and section two of the Calendar Act 1751, are hereby amended and shall be read and construed accordingly.


2(1). This Act may be cited as the Easter Act 1928.


(2) This Act shall commence and come into operation on such date as may be fixed by Order of His Majesty in Council, provided that, before any such Order in Council is made, a draft thereof shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament, and the Order shall not be made unless both Houses by resolution approve the draft either without modification or with modifications to which both Houses agree, but upon such approval being given the order may be made in the form in which it has been so approved: Provided further that, before making such draft order, regard shall be had to any opinion officially expressed by any Church or other Christian body.


(3) This Act shall extend to the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands, and His Majesty in Council may by Order extend this Act to any other part of His Majesty’s dominions, except such parts as are mentioned in Part I of the Schedule to this Act, and to any territory under His Majesty’s protection in which His Majesty has jurisdiction, and to any territory in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Majesty other than the territories mentioned in Part II of the said Schedule.


---------- Post added 26-03-2016 at 23:11 ----------


BBC News goes into in depth at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35880795

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In this modern age we struggle with family life and communication , would you not want to invest in your childrens lives as richly as possible, this is what originally bank holidays were for family outings to the coast or countryside, to spend time enriching each others lives.


For everybody except those that they didn't apply to...


Shame about the families of the Drs and the Nurses eh, the Paramedics and so on...

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My view of this is, that shops don't need to be open , one day won't kill anyone . apart from as a christian I like sundays as a day of worship and fellowship with other like minded people I also like the fact we can have family time , time to spend with our loved ones , perhaps go for a family picnic , or watch a film together , or even play board games , this is lacking in modern life. My children are all grown but on sunday we try to spend it together.We like to do that its about family values , this is the way we chose to spend days off too.


Why should it be Sundays?


Just because shops are open doesn't mean you have to visit them.

We do all the things you say but on whatever day we choose - apart from worship.

Children don't communicate because there family are caught up being selfish.


Bank Holidays were meant for the banks initially,research public holidays and you'l find they still aren't enforceable in law for the normal worker and never have been.

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For everybody except those that they didn't apply to...


Shame about the families of the Drs and the Nurses eh, the Paramedics and so on...


I worked for doctors as a nanny for their children, they didnt work weekends ever ! they invested in their children's lives . we are sadly living in an age where children suffer from low self worth , depression and feeling rejected . This is why family life should come first . A child's needs should come before your own , being a parent is sacrificial.


---------- Post added 27-03-2016 at 09:51 ----------


Why should it be Sundays?


Just because shops are open doesn't mean you have to visit them.

We do all the things you say but on whatever day we choose - apart from worship.

Children don't communicate because there family are caught up being selfish.


Bank Holidays were meant for the banks initially,research public holidays and you'l find they still aren't enforceable in law for the normal worker and never have been.


I don't visit shops on sundays, we also make sure we all eat together on that day , and as many times throughout the week as possible.

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I worked for doctors as a nanny for their children, they didnt work weekends ever ! they invested in their children's lives . we are sadly living in an age where children suffer from low self worth , depression and feeling rejected . This is why family life should come first . A child's needs should come before your own , being a parent is sacrificial.



GP's rarely worked weekends and almost never on a Sunday, but Dr's in hospitals always have done.

The police have always worked every day of the year.

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