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Enclosed Space to let Dogs Loose


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My children recently got themselves two husky puppies who are very energetic. On days when they are at college or working I find it impossible to take them for walks as I am disabled. Can anyone tell me if there is anywhere I can let them run loose safely to get rid of some of their energy and let them have some fun rather than going at a boring snail's pace with "nana".:help:

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I noticed a couple of the tennis courts at Millhouses park were being used as dog runs last weekend. Whether they was using them officially or not I dont know. But as long as you clean up after your dog and they are not been used for anything else at the time I dont suppose it matters.

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My children recently got themselves two husky puppies who are very energetic. On days when they are at college or working I find it impossible to take them for walks as I am disabled. Can anyone tell me if there is anywhere I can let them run loose safely to get rid of some of their energy and let them have some fun rather than going at a boring snail's pace with "nana".:help:

You will find that some dog owners get very mardy when young running dogs (like the ones your kids have) start running around on public land Mogsley.


To be truthful they are not breeds that should be locked up for long periods of time and they may have to be re homed to some one with a big garden or access to land.

I hope this does not sound off putting but I have similar experience with our Ted who is a very large dog that was shut up for long periods by his previous working full time owners.

Welcome to the forum.

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Unless the dogs have a rock solid recall they should not be allowed off lead anywhere. With two dogs that is doubly important because they will lead each other on and will be gone. Dogs like this can vastly outrun even a young, healthy person. If they cause any damage or accidents your children (or you) will be liable.

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My suggestion would be to employ a proffessional dog walker.. If you are unable to give them the excercise they need and your chilren arent able to walk them then this is the best possible solution..


I would also suggest that you get your children to pay for the dog walker!! It's rather irresponsible to take on two puppies to just leave with 'nana' who is unable to excercise them.. Especially that particular breed! They are very energetic and require plenty of stimulation and training..

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Can you play in your garden with them? Do the dogs like to play with balls? Can't you throw balls for them to bring back to you? Generally they will do this if you give them a treat when they return with the ball. Don't forget to take the treats out of their food for the day. I sometimes tire my dogs out in the garden but it is a decent size. We have nicknamed one of our dogs Duracell as she never seems to tire.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
My suggestion would be to employ a proffessional dog walker.. If you are unable to give them the excercise they need and your chilren arent able to walk them then this is the best possible solution..


I would also suggest that you get your children to pay for the dog walker!! It's rather irresponsible to take on two puppies to just leave with 'nana' who is unable to excercise them.. Especially that particular breed! They are very energetic and require plenty of stimulation and training..


I thought that too, I'm an active person who loves to walk (and a bit of jogging too), my dog is out with a dog walker for a minimum of an hour (usually all morning) while I'm at work and I take her out for an hour after work..... and I wouldn't in my wildest dreams consider taking on a husky!


Edit - Just realised I've been rubbish and forgot to answer the question!


You can hire out an indoor school at Mansion House Farm on Lightwood Lane apparently, contact is Kay on 07956343379. I only know as some other people on a sighthound group I'm a member of use it, I've no personal experience, but it looks great for properly secure running about :)

Edited by vwkittie
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