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Road closures- Sheffield Half Marathon- 10 April 2016

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The things we were servicing were fruit machines and juke boxes in pubs and clubs and just to give two instances of the pressure that people could be put through if we didn't get there asap. First instance,a club. A punter had put a pound in a machine that had jammed in the coin mechanism and wouldn't reject. He started losing it at the bar and the bar steward did what is written on the machine, i'e phone the engineer and any discrepancies will be sorted when we get there. Due to the pressure the bar steward forgot to tell us which club. By the time I got there the punter had sounded off again and gone back to the machine, heaved it down the flight of stairs it was at the top of and picked 1 pound up from the mess and broken glass, and departed.

Another time a punter beat a barmaid up.

The point is that innocent people are put under stress if we didn't get there fast. The councilors who allow the roads to be shut don't have any of this stress and you can safely bet the company never got any compensation from the council for the two customers we lost.


Why do you think calling a fruit machine technician instead of the police is a reasonable response to this then?

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Why do you think calling a fruit machine technician instead of the police is a reasonable response to this then?


I was thinking that. I wouldn't put up with these Neanderthal yobs spitting their dummies out because they've lost on a fruit machine!

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In what type of world do you live in where people smash machines up or assault people and you somehow believe that Sheffield Half Marathon could somehow be at fault?


The marathon caused us a lot of stress, and the world of Sheffield I suppose.


---------- Post added 01-04-2016 at 17:01 ----------


What happens if your car breaks down? Or the road you are travelling on gets closed by police? These are reasonably common problems.


You can't help it if the police have an emergency or your car breaks down.


---------- Post added 01-04-2016 at 17:05 ----------


Why do you think calling a fruit machine technician instead of the police is a reasonable response to this then?


They called us when the machine broke down, they called the police when the trouble started. Why would they ring the police to repair a machine?

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Guest sibon


You can't help it if the police have an emergency or your car breaks down.


You can't help the fact that the Sheffield half marathon exists either.


I hardly think that a couple of grumpy fruit machine players is good enough reason to cancel it.

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The marathon caused us a lot of stress, and the world of Sheffield I suppose.


So you believe that we should ban everything that could cause a little bit of stress to fruit machine players, just in case they kick off?

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What other city do you think should host the Sheffield half marathon?


For the last 9 years Sheffield has hosted The Great Yorkshire Run. Those who are unhappy about road closures will, no doubt, be delighted that the 10th anniversary run to Hillsborough and back will be taking place in July. Hang on though.


The 10th anniversary event will be celebrated in Harrogate where it has been welcomed with open arms. Sheffield has been spared more road closures. Up to now there's been no upsurge of protest about the move and apparent snub to Sheffield.


To those who aren't from Sheffield, the Great Yorkshire Run route in Harrogate seems to have more about it than running up a dual carriageway to Hillsborough and back; http://www.greatrun.org/great-yorkshire-run

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The things we were servicing were fruit machines and juke boxes in pubs and clubs and just to give two instances of the pressure that people could be put through if we didn't get there asap. First instance,a club. A punter had put a pound in a machine that had jammed in the coin mechanism and wouldn't reject. He started losing it at the bar and the bar steward did what is written on the machine, i'e phone the engineer and any discrepancies will be sorted when we get there. Due to the pressure the bar steward forgot to tell us which club. By the time I got there the punter had sounded off again and gone back to the machine, heaved it down the flight of stairs it was at the top of and picked 1 pound up from the mess and broken glass, and departed.

Another time a punter beat a barmaid up.

The point is that innocent people are put under stress if we didn't get there fast. The councilors who allow the roads to be shut don't have any of this stress and you can safely bet the company never got any compensation from the council for the two customers we lost.


You have my sympathies. But your line of work in other cities would be worse - York is awful with great swathes of it hard to get to, Bristol city centre is pedestrianised every Sunday and London is well, London. If you need to travel on motorways, they can shut and you could be stuck for hours. How do you get on in a jammed packed nightclub on a Friday night?


Innocent people are put under stress by violent drunkards, that's on the management of the establishment to deal with them, not you. You'll find customers will look for any excuse to hide their own **** ups and chuck you under the bus.


You've got the route now which might help - good luck.

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The things we were servicing were fruit machines and juke boxes in pubs and clubs and just to give two instances of the pressure that people could be put through if we didn't get there asap. First instance,a club. A punter had put a pound in a machine that had jammed in the coin mechanism and wouldn't reject. He started losing it at the bar and the bar steward did what is written on the machine, i'e phone the engineer and any discrepancies will be sorted when we get there. Due to the pressure the bar steward forgot to tell us which club. By the time I got there the punter had sounded off again and gone back to the machine, heaved it down the flight of stairs it was at the top of and picked 1 pound up from the mess and broken glass, and departed.

Another time a punter beat a barmaid up.

The point is that innocent people are put under stress if we didn't get there fast. The councilors who allow the roads to be shut don't have any of this stress and you can safely bet the company never got any compensation from the council for the two customers we lost.


I never realised the fruit machine business was so fraught between 9am-1pm on a Sunday

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You can't help the fact that the Sheffield half marathon exists either.


I hardly think that a couple of grumpy fruit machine players is good enough reason to cancel it.


If you look at the post sibon you'll see those two incidents were nothing to do with the marathon, it was to illustrate the stress people can be subjected to if we can't attend asap. The incident with the barmaid happened when some away football supporters won £20 on a machine and it jammed and didn't pay out. My colliuge was delayed by football traffic. If he had got there earlier he could have ascertained that the machine owed him the £20, which it did, and paid him,end of. The thing that peeved us was that the cowardly landlord disappeared up stairs at the first sign of trouble and left the two barmaids to it. I don't think he even rang the police, just let her go home.


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 11:44 ----------


So you believe that we should ban everything that could cause a little bit of stress to fruit machine players, just in case they kick off?


I couldn't give a monkey's about gamblers. It,s the council that don't give a monkeys about the trouble it causes to people trying to do a days work that's the thing.

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What's suggested by some may come over as "I want the road to myself, always. The living of others just gets in my way."


We all need to exercise patience and remember we can't all be the most important being on the planet all of the time. I may be your congestion next Sunday, but the following Monday you may be mine!

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