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How much are we coloured by indoctrination?

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I'm coming at this from a religious perspective because that's my field but it could easily apply to politics, ethics and almost any other area of life, feel free to expand.


It being Easter and all I'm thinking about how wildly misinterpreted the Bible is by Christians.


I'll use just one (of many, many) example. The cornerstone of Christian faith is built around original sin, the idea, according to Christianity is that Adam and Eve were removed from Eden for disobeying God and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and that the snake was a devilish liar.


If you actually read Genesis not only were they not removed from the garden for the aforementioned transgression but the serpent absolutely did not lie to them (this is the condensed version to avoid too lengthy an o/p)


So how can millions of Christians believe something which if they took the time to read their own book in context isn't even in the original account of the story?


To what extent does our indoctrination of our family/community affect the way we are shaped as human beings and is there a solution to this indoctrination once it has taken place?



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The vast majority of Christians and Muslims have no intention of ever reading their holy books. I would be amazed if even 1% of aderence to the aforementioned faiths in this country have ever read their respective holy books. This means that these people have absolutely no idea what is contained within those books and just believe what they are told by their parents/community. The problem is that the people telling them about their religion have almost definitely not read their holy book either.


The problem is that people don't want to think for themselves, that is a scarey thing. People want to be told what to think and do not want this challenged by education, rationality or logic.


The same applies to politics too.

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I don't know about the rest of them but reading the Bible was a big part of Sunday school and Confirmation Classes.


Oh yeah as a child a few guided readings of a few sections where you're supervised by an authority figure sure, but an independent sober critical examination of the text? I think not.

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Totally agree Flamingjimmy.


I've had the great pleasure of attending many Christian services and not once have I seen critical examination of the texts.


The problem is expounded by certain Christian groups who DO promise a different, thorough reading then just go on to interpret it in their own way, with greater emphasis on 'bible study' which in my experience is shorthand for deliberate brainwashing.


These groups to a greater or lesser degree (on the 'soft' end the latter day saints and on the 'very brainwashing' end the Christedelphians with the Jehovas witnesses somewhere in between) lure the 'I've never read the Bible' Christians in with promise of the 'true' interpretation.

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I was brought up in a very religious family my mum was a god fearing scottish protestant my dad was a sergeant major in the black watch, probably what you would call indoctrination, religion was part of my upbringing I am still a religious person and a solid believer..it is what shaped me and made me what I am for good or bad..I don't go to church as much now as I used to do,I think of myself as religious person but not a religious maniac,I like to think I am open minded to other faiths and religions and none believers,I just don't like anyone or faith that tries to force or cajole anyone into their beliefs.

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I was brought up in a very religious family my mum was a god fearing scottish protestant my dad was a sergeant major in the black watch, probably what you would call indoctrination, religion was part of my upbringing I am still a religious person and a solid believer..it is what shaped me and made me what I am for good or bad..I don't go to church as much now as I used to do,I think of myself as religious person but not a religious maniac,I like to think I am open minded to other faiths and religions and none believers,I just don't like anyone or faith that tries to force or cajole anyone into their beliefs.


So you would accept that you have been indoctrinated and read the Bible from the viewpoint of that indoctrination?


Just a quick add here to clarify, this thread isn't about having a go at anyone for their faith it's purely about what people think about indoctrination, I fully respect and accept anyone's choice to follow whichever faith, or political party etc that they wish.

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Oh yeah as a child a few guided readings of a few sections where you're supervised by an authority figure sure, but an independent sober critical examination of the text? I think not.


Maybe, I read it, understood it to the best of my ability, questioned it, and came to the conclusion that the God in the book couldn't exist.

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We are all a product of our upbringing - it shapes our morals, world view and who we are as people. I think our parents firstly, then school and friendship group, then the media play a huge part in our development of our perspective on life.


I remember reading that our personalities and dispositions are pretty much formed before we reach puberty. If true, this makes the task of re processing ourselves as adults extremely difficult. For example the older I get, the more I see elements of my parents and my own early experiences reflected in my own behaviour and outlook. I'm sure that this is true of others.

However in the example you quoted, of interpretations of a religious text being mediated through others, perhaps a sober reading of the Bible or Quran when one is older, and reflecting on the biases that were emphasised is all that is necessary.


By and large I don't see this as problematic for society as such. In the main people are able to rub along together without too much conflict or bloodshed.


As you say politics is another area where our views are shaped by circumstance, upbringing and experience. I'm acutely aware that the information prior to the upcoming Referendum is mediated through various channels....The best we can hope for is that people will read search out facts for themselves and make a decision based on what they think is in the best interest for Britain. I have been to the Central Library in the City Centre where I did a bit of reading on a day off. What I have learned is how little I know about the subject!


I don't necessarily think that there's an intention of parents, or even of schools to 'indoctrinate' us....With the media, I'm not so sure....Stepping back and trying to be objective is always a good thing.

Edited by Mister M
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