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What has improve your life?

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That's not quite true Obelix.

20 years ago no amount of money would have bought you a smartphone.

Apply the appropriate amount of time and most consumer goods simply didn't exist.


So money makes it possible to buy these things, but they have to exist before anyone can have them!


No. But it would have bought me (well it did in fact) a first gen Motorola 101 mobile. Immense improvement on finding a call box and slotting money into it...

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You're just illustrating my point I think :-) 50 years ago you couldn't have bought any kind of "mobile" phone, no matter if your name ended with Rothschild.


So, money certainly makes it possible to buy things, but those things need to exist.

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No I think we are arguing about different "things"


You are pointing to specifics which is perfectly reasonable and these are undeniable.


I'm saying that whatever the specifics are, it's money that I have acquired that enables me to get them and money is the biggest thing in my life that has improved it. If I wasn't fortunate/talented/lucky/whatever enough to get money then the things that have improved my life the most wouldn't have been affordable, ergo it's really money that has improved my life.

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Becoming a vegetarian improved my life tenfold!


I know it's not for everyone but it made me healthier and fitter. It's also taught me tolerance, sounds daft i know but it has..


OH!!! and buying my first car improved my life massively! Freeeeeeedom :)

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So, money certainly makes it possible to buy things, but those things need to exist.
People never want things which they can't possibly buy, out of existing income or a lottery win (...other than those few well-known exceptions which confirm the rule: people have been wanting flying cars and holodecks for decades! :hihi:)


But at any given time, going back centuries if not longer, people with disposable income can certainly buy whatever exists at that time that can improve their life.


After that, it's sometimes a fine line between such things actually improving one's life...or only 'improving' it because the person is being peer- or socially-convinced that it does.


Personally, after owning a very early SFR carphone about 2 decades ago and a string of mobiles ever since (the T28s was the best ever), I'm still unconvinced that mobiles have improved mine at all ;)


Now, the 2-or-so year old bean-to-cup DeLonghi machine taking up a sizeable slab of real estate on the kitchen top...absolutely, and I'd sooner give up the iThings,A/V gear and Kindle thingymajjigs and whatnot, and keep that above all of them put together. It makes the best coffee this side of a Paris bistro's terrasse. I guess that's my own acid test for the improvement factor, and to each their own :)

Edited by L00b
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