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Do you consider yourself far left/right ?

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I'm just interested in what YOU personally class your political leanings to be, I'm presuming not a lot of people would class themselves as far left or far right, I'd imagine most people will say they lean to the left or lean to the right.

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I lean to the left on a number of issues, though on a couple of issues I'd be classed as moderately right wing. It's a fairly crude indicator and probably not especially helpful - defining yourself as one or the other comes with a lot of baggage....

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I'm just interested in what YOU personally class your political leanings to be, I'm presuming not a lot of people would class themselves as far left or far right, I'd imagine most people will say they lean to the left or lean to the right


Rabid socialist, as most caring human beings should be! :nod:

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Rabid socialist, as most caring human beings should be! :nod:


I sense more than a bit of tongue in cheek in your response!

I don't think any political ideology has the monopoly on caring, common sense, competent or whatever adjective is considered desirable.


I've recently posted about the decision of some student union reps at various universities not to share a platform with people they disagree with. No doubt these people did so for what they think to be good reasons, but it nevertheless leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

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According to the political compass thing quite a bit to the left, and a bit of a libertarian




Me https://www.politicalcompass.org/uk2015?name=You&ec=-4.75&soc=-1.54


I'm suprised, I thought I'd gone much further over to the right these last few years, since IS started ramping up the ante. Just shows, you don't even always know yourself, do you.

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