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Do you consider yourself far left/right ?

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According to the political compass thing quite a bit to the left, and a bit of a libertarian








We are almost political cousins! Perhaps it should be a requirement before posting on political forums to add this to your signature so everyone knows where we stand? I'm clearly not being serious! :)


A few of the questions are poorly worded, for example it asks if you agree that a benefit of a single party system is to reduce time to implement changes as there is no debate, well I'd strongly agree with that logic but doesn't mean I support a single party system so I wasn't sure how to answer it...a couple of questions like that.


---------- Post added 29-03-2016 at 09:22 ----------


Don't worry. It has loaded questions to try to persuade people that they should vote for a left wing party. A biased site for the gullible.


Yeah, nearly all the religious questions in particular are badly worded as are a couple around business. Or perhaps you aren't as big bad a righty as you think you are Ron? Can you take the test as fairly as you can and let me know the outcome? I'm just curious :D

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I think the questions were loaded to make it appear that way. :D


Or maybe not, perhaps everyone is actually left wing but doesn't realise it :) I wonder what answers you'd need to give to get an outcome that represents Thatcher? Or heaven forbid any of the Republican candidates! Actually, Penistone999 where are you? Wanna do this test? :hihi:

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We are almost political cousins! Perhaps it should be a requirement before posting on political forums to add this to your signature so everyone knows where we stand? I'm clearly not being serious! :)


A few of the questions are poorly worded, for example it asks if you agree that a benefit of a single party system is to reduce time to implement changes as there is no debate, well I'd strongly agree with that logic but doesn't mean I support a single party system so I wasn't sure how to answer it...a couple of questions like that.


---------- Post added 29-03-2016 at 09:22 ----------



Yeah, nearly all the religious questions in particular are badly worded as are a couple around business. Or perhaps you aren't as big bad a righty as you think you are Ron? Can you take the test as fairly as you can and let me know the outcome? I'm just curious :D


Ha ha - I can't take it fairly - it's not a fair quiz!


I'll have a go later when I get time.

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Or maybe not, perhaps everyone is actually left wing but doesn't realise it :) I wonder what answers you'd need to give to get an outcome that represents Thatcher? Or heaven forbid any of the Republican candidates! Actually, Penistone999 where are you? Wanna do this test? :hihi:


The problem with the test is that I could give the opposite answers to you but still get a similar results, because a far left answer will balance out a far right answer.

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The problem with the test is that I could give the opposite answers to you but still get a similar results, because a far left answer will balance out a far right answer.


Isn't that the problem with political parties? If I vote for Labour then I have to accept all of Labours policies when I might only agree with more of their policies than anyone else, so effectively you end up voting for the least worst. Does any nation with a democracy have no parties at all? I know Switzerland has quite a few referendums each year but that's not quite the same. Perhaps rather than vote for parties we vote for ideologies under various headings:


- Immigration

- EU

- Social security



and then we vote for which policy we think fits our opinions best. Could get insanely complicated though, but then you could say have 'Labours' ideals on social security but vote to leave the EU as an easy example. I can't see it being practical to vote on everything as a individual as we'd get fed up of it very quickly and contrary to some public opinion I'm fairly sure most votes in the Commons requires considerable background knowledge to make a good decision!

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Isn't that the problem with political parties? If I vote for Labour then I have to accept all of Labours policies when I might only agree with more of their policies than anyone else, so effectively you end up voting for the least worst. Does any nation with a democracy have no parties at all? I know Switzerland has quite a few referendums each year but that's not quite the same. Perhaps rather than vote for parties we vote for ideologies under various headings:


- Immigration

- EU

- Social security



and then we vote for which policy we think fits our opinions best. Could get insanely complicated though, but then you could say have 'Labours' ideals on social security but vote to leave the EU as an easy example. I can't see it being practical to vote on everything as a individual as we'd get fed up of it very quickly and contrary to some public opinion I'm fairly sure most votes in the Commons requires considerable background knowledge to make a good decision!



Primary elections would help.

In any event, look to the candidates. Whilst they might have to tow the party line 9x% of the time, they can still apply pressure and persuasion to affect policy.

You'll probably find it easier to identify a candidate aligned with your views than a whole party.

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