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Most Useful Skills

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Not really, just an hour or so to find the pics.


But I obviously wasn't really trying to 'fool' anyone...


... it just seemed an appropriate day to post a little homage to someone who has given so many people a bit of a giggle over the years.

It's been fun, ta very much! :thumbsup:


Ya not dying are you?:(

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Thanks to my musician father's tireless and much too optimistic efforts, the ability to read and play (badly), music. In my younger days it provided a much welcome part time income and now I'm older it provides food for the soul.






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I started of as an apprentice car mechanic as a lad, did all my college stuff then went in the army and joined the engineers,the stuff they taught me was amazing,HGV driving, electronics,plumbing, welding. map reading, survival skills, self defence,just to name a few allsorts of things that I have used in my life,things I can always fall back on to earn a few quid.but the thing that has always got me down is maths for some reason my brain just does not comprehend maths,I just can not add up for peanuts,,,

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