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Name A Rum You Like?


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I think that rum is very under-rated, compared to other spirits. Supermarket and off-licence shelves always have a fairly big selection of whiskies/gins/vodkas - and yet a very small selection of rums. I find I have to go online to find and order a decent rum and the best I've found so far is http://www.masterofmalt.com. Not cheap - but there are plenty of lovely rums available in their lower price range. They sell my favourite Skipper rum at a very reasonable price.


I'm not a huge fan of spiced rums - a bit too sweet and claggy - but masterofmalt do a lovely spiced rum called Rumbullion. It's sweet, yes, but it has a lovely depth and complexity of flavours. The "navy strength" version - 57% proof - is particularly impressive. Comes in a very nice, decorative bottle too! It's pricey - but worth splashing out on for special occasions...or when you're home alone and just fancy a dram of summat a bit special....like a nice, expensive malt whisky....or a top-notch black rum!

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