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How would a right wing person help the poor/needy?

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It may be law but paying someone a piece rate, and they were able to work twice as fast as another person, then why should that person not be paid more?


And what about if someone had a bad cold, or an infection, or were heavily pregnant, or grieving and couldn't manage to do as much as they normally do?

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I'm relatively intelligent (I have plenty of certificates) but my dominant arm doesn't work and my degenerative spinal condition means that I have to spend most of my time lying down. The painkillers also mean that I sleep a lot and can't plan when I'm going to be awake.


What work do you suggest that I try?



I would imagine that you could do plenty of work according to our wonderful Governments criteria. Just remember it's not what you cannot do but you have to tell them the things you CAN do.


On another forum I scribe on, a soldier has posted a photo of himself, he has one arm out of his four limbs, the three been blown off in an explosion. This wonderful Government have just lowered his benefits would you believe. It's simply wrong, but what can we the minions do about it.



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I disagree with this.

Yes it has some very basic logic when put like that - but the reality is far different in the real world. And besides which I'd hate to part of a society that judged disabled people in such an over critical way. It's cruel and unnecessary.


They are not being judged, I want to given them the opportunity to take part in the work force, I have a disabled friend and he would jump at the chance of any kind of employment instead of just being given money and dumped on the scrap heap.

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I already explained that you wouldn't need to plan your day and you are clearly qualified to administer a website run by the council, working as a volunteer could also count towards your hours.


So what you're really suggesting is that I (along with everybody else with a disability or illness) should just have all of our awake time occupied in order to make you feel better?


You'd prefer that over me spending the usual 2 hours that it takes to get showered and dressed, clearly.

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Which completely makes the argument that one cannot expect people to try to do a job in order to 'pay' them their benefits and then pay them a piece rate irrespective of their abilities.


If they're up to doing the job and are putting in their time then they are entitled to fair wage for the time they are doing the job you told them to do.


That could apply if they work for the council, but the private sector needs to make money, so it wouldn't be fair to an employer if they had to pay more than someone can make for the company.

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I would imagine that you could do plenty of work according to our wonderful Governments criteria. Just remember it's not what you cannot do but you have to tell them the things you CAN do.


On another forum I scribe on, a soldier has posted a photo of himself, he has one arm out of his four limbs, the three been blown off in an explosion. This wonderful Government have just lowered his benefits would you believe. It's simply wrong, but what can we the minions do about it.




I'm very sorry to say this has happened to quite a few ex Servicemen. No way to treat brave women and men who are prepared to fight for our rights makes me very angery.

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I would imagine that you could do plenty of work according to our wonderful Governments criteria. Just remember it's not what you cannot do but you have to tell them the things you CAN do.


On another forum I scribe on, a soldier has posted a photo of himself, he has one arm out of his four limbs, the three been blown off in an explosion. This wonderful Government have just lowered his benefits would you believe. It's simply wrong, but what can we the minions do about it.




I've officially only got one working limb too, although the others are still attached. I would fully accept that I could do work if I met 2 criteria- if my working arm was my dominant one and I could sit upright properly without being in agony with the sciatica.


It does beggar belief how under attack the disabled people of this country are, and how little money overall the government are attempting to save as a justification for the horrible blaming game they are playing.

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Then they wouldnt earn as much as they usually do extra?? Easy


Yep it must be easy.

As I say there are laws to protect people from the Gradgrinds of this country, and a good thing too.

I always treat people the way I'd like to be treated - you should too , because if you became seriously disabled would you want to be treated like a second class citizen?

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So what you're really suggesting is that I (along with everybody else with a disability or illness) should just have all of our awake time occupied in order to make you feel better?


You'd prefer that over me spending the usual 2 hours that it takes to get showered and dressed, clearly.


No, the assessment would determine the amount of work you are capable of doing, if you are only awake for 2 hours a day you would clearly be unable to do any work.

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