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How would a right wing person help the poor/needy?

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I'm relatively intelligent (I have plenty of certificates) but my dominant arm doesn't work and my degenerative spinal condition means that I have to spend most of my time lying down. The painkillers also mean that I sleep a lot and can't plan when I'm going to be awake.


What work do you suggest that I try?


A relatively intelligent person would know that plenty of certificates does not make you intelligent, however it does make you "academically intelligent" which is not always a good thing.

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It would be self funding so wouldn't actual cost anything about what we already spend on benefits.




Dyslexics are different to the norm but not disabled, the key is do something that takes advantage of your abilities.


If we are saying a disability is something that makes you less productive than someone else, then we probably all fit the definition.


I'm not saying anything of the sort. All I'm saying is that in this case, dyslexia is a recognised disability for which businesses, and public bodies, are supposed to make 'reasonable adjustments'. Sometimes these 'reasonable adjustment' could be perceived as being unfairly biased towards the person with said disability. A concession you would not get by, for example, just not being very good at maths, or as good with IT as someone else.

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I sometimes think that is their aim too, but although it does get me down sometimes (and I'm struggling at the moment because I gave up every hobby I'd ever had when I first got ill because they were unsuitable for some reason or other, and now I'm having to give up most of the ones that I started in order to replace those ones too) but I don't plan on staying there.


Underneath all of the layers of pain, sedation and immobility there is a brain and a human spirit trying to be seen and heard, and that means that I continue to challenge myself wherever I can, continue to try learning new things whenever I can, and will continue to try to have a meaning and a purpose in this world.


And no, just because I've got enough energy to be able to stack the dishwasher once today, that doesn't mean that I am capable of doing it all day!


---------- Post added 30-03-2016 at 20:06 ----------



So how would they know what I'm capable of? That's an interview process isn't it?


I am not aware of the nature of your condition, it is clearly very difficult to live with and I do hope you find either a cure or at least relief from your problems.


Perhaps it would help to consider what you have done here, you have generated a discussion on the nature of dependency, of social welfare, and of how we judge the worth and effectiveness on individuals.


Professor Hawkin, afflicted as he is by his vile disease, none the less contributes to our thinking and place in the universe, no one with a functioning brain could doubt his value.


You are clearly an intelligent person who has challenged us to think and consider. Keep thinking, Keep writing. Thank you for challenging preconceptions. Most of all, Best Wishes.

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I am not aware of the nature of your condition, it is clearly very difficult to live with and I do hope you find either a cure or at least relief from your problems.


Perhaps it would help to consider what you have done here, you have generated a discussion on the nature of dependency, of social welfare, and of how we judge the worth and effectiveness on individuals.


Professor Hawkin, afflicted as he is by his vile disease, none the less contributes to our thinking and place in the universe, no one with a functioning brain could doubt his value.


You are clearly an intelligent person who has challenged us to think and consider. Keep thinking, Keep writing. Thank you for challenging preconceptions. Most of all, Best Wishes.


Professor Hawking, David Blunkett, and other disabled high fliers have a huge and expensive support team behind them, which enables them to do their job, and contribute to society.


This is not diminishing their achievement, but unfortunately this level of help is not available to most disabled people.


However I do agree with the general tone of your comments.

Edited by Anna B
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I agree with the link below, Conservative voters are more likely to see chavs or lazy sods taking advantage of the system. Where as others see a clearer picture, someone with ill health, lower intelligence or a family situation that has forced them into the benefits system.


The research looked at the relationship between negativity bias and political ideology.


Negativity bias is where your brain gives more emphasis to, and remembers negative rather than positive or neutral images and ideas, and results showed people with right-wing sentiments had a stronger negativity bias than their left-wing counterparts.



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IT doesnt actually say that at all - it's an important but subtle difference. It's not saying that "Conservative voters are more likely to see chavs or lazy sods" but it is saying that people who thing that way are more likley to be right wing.

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