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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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Still no links to your lies I see. Can't back your lies up can you? I know what you do. You tell lies.


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 20:40 ----------



But has Corbyn achieved anything other than appearing on TV making statements about things other folk should do that are not actually allowed under EU rules. If only hot air were the same as achievements.


Yes he has actually. He's been to Port Talbot, met with the local MP (Stephen Kinnock) and the workers. Kinnock and the unions have drawn up a turnaround plan for the plant which has simply been thrown in the bin by the Tories. Corbyn against that backdrop is keeping alive the idea of temporary state support, and without that being constantly kept on the news it would be much easier for the Tories to instantly kill the industry. All that said it is the Tories who have the power to do something.


But the hot air is coming from the Tories. Maybe it is a rite of passage for a Tory minister to kill off a community or two.

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Yes he has actually. He's been to Port Talbot, met with the local MP (Stephen Kinnock) and the workers. Kinnock and the unions have drawn up a turnaround plan for the plant which has simply been thrown in the bin by the Tories. Corbyn against that backdrop is keeping alive the idea of temporary state support, and without that being constantly kept on the news it would be much easier for the Tories to instantly kill the industry. All that said it is the Tories who have the power to do something.


But the hot air is coming from the Tories. Maybe it is a rite of passage for a Tory minister to kill off a community or two.


Is the plan viable in your view?

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I'm sure if there's a war china will be happy to sell us steel whilst we are bombing them.


It's hard to see how we can ever be taken seriously as a major arms manufacturer if we can't even produce the metal required.


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 21:17 ----------


Is the plan viable in your view?


Yes, but you would have to accept that the steel industry is nationally strategic and that at times it would run at a loss and need to be supported.


There are clearly national security issues at stake here.

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What job ? It's a private company.


I was just thinking the same thing. What do some of these people expect to happen.


You don't just walk in to an organisation's headquarters and demand a meeting without notice or planning.


As far as I can see Javad was on an official engagement in Australia and was proposing taking some holiday after (which he is perfectly entitled to do just like any other employee)


This situation has arisen and he is now returning to the UK.


This whole thing has only emerged over the past 48/72 hours. It takes over a day just to travel back from Australia.


What more do people expect to happen?? He's not Superman, he doesn't just swoop around the world at the speed of light.


Oh but Corbyn did something. He took action. My bony backside.

Corbyn saw a good PR opportunity that's all. A bit of camera posing and glad handing with the employees. A few empty words and boot licking with the union reps and nothing else.


There was bugger all useful action standing in Port Talbot and even less useful action he will take when he gets back to Westminster.


Its a private business. That particular sector is losing £1million a DAY. The company is quite rightly taking action. Hopefully the rest of the UK parts which actually are making money wont be dragged down with it and will end up being bought.


As many others of said, one company closing one section is not the death of British steel industry or any of this other guff. There are still OTHER FIRMS producing steel and making money in the UK.


Some of them are even or our own doorstep.


Time to look at the bigger picture.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I was just thinking the same thing. What do some of these people expect to happen.


You don't just walk in to an organisation's headquarters and demand a meeting without notice or planning.


As far as I can see Javad was on an official engagement in Australia and was proposing taking some holiday after (which he is perfectly entitled to do just like any other employee)


This situation has arisen and he is now returning to the UK.


This whole thing has only emerged over the past 48/72 hours. It takes over a day just to travel back from Australia.


What more do people expect to happen?? He's not Superman, he doesn't just swoop around the world at the speed of light.


Oh but Corbyn did something. He took action. My bony backside.

Corbyn saw a good PR opportunity that's all. A bit of camera posing and glad handing with the employees. A few empty words and boot licking with the union reps and nothing else.


There was bugger all useful action standing in Port Talbot and even less useful action he will take when he gets back to Westminster.


Its a private business. That particular sector is losing £1million a DAY. The company is quite rightly taking action. Hopefully the rest of the UK parts which actually are making money wont be dragged down with it and will end up being bought.


As many others of said, one company closing one section is not the death of British steel industry or any of this other guff. There are still OTHER FIRMS producing steel and making money in the UK.


Some of them are even or our own doorstep.


Time to look at the bigger picture.


What do you expect Corbyn to do? Seriously what? He's not in power.


But here is the really stupid thing about your post. You are actually arguing for the Tories to do precisely nothing, to let the plant go, but don't let that get in the way of an opportunistic political rant.


This is the other thing you are saying. Screw the workers, screw the communities, this is a straight £1m a day business problem. That simple eh?


So what are you going to say when the plants on our doorstep are next, when they are faced with closure?

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What do you expect Corbyn to do? Seriously what? He's not in power.


But here is the really stupid thing about your post. You are actually arguing for the Tories to do precisely nothing, to let the plant go, but don't let that get in the way of an opportunistic political rant.


This is the other thing you are saying. Screw the workers, screw the communities, this is a straight £1m a day business problem. That simple eh?


So what are you going to say when the plants on our doorstep are next, when they are faced with closure?


Private business sometimes close. Yes, in a way I suppose I am saying screw the workers.


Its tragic when a major employer goes under but not totally alien.


My point is, WHY should taxpayer funds be used to prop up a sole plant which seeming has no chance of recovery. IF, the business has any chance of a recovery it will be bought. IF IT DOES NOT, then why should we waste millions or billions of pounds on it.


The workers will have to go and find other work, maybe some will retrain and go into something different. Maybe some will use it as a point in which to retire.


They will not be the first ones in such a situation. Why is this privately owned steel plant singled out for such government attention.


Did Labour MPs demand that Woolworths was funded by taxpayer monies when it when under. What about those 27,000 employees. Where was the politicians screaming to protect them?


Where was the leftie press outrage when HSBC announced their 8000 job cuts.


I say again, why is this one company and this one plant deserving of special attention.

It is not the sole remaining steel manufacturer in the UK.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Regrettably for all those employed by Tata I can see no hope for a private buyer or realistic government support for the basic steel making plants in South Wales and Scunthorpe.

Blast furnace production is way in advance of demand .

Look at the chequered history of the largest European Steel producer ,Ilva which has teetered on the edge of bankruptcy and received government support in a way which would not be possible in the UK.The subsidies that this company received did much to undermine other EU producers long before the Chinese effect and now it is once again beset by problems.

Nationalisation is most unlikely to happen,and any move towards help by way of reducing energy costs or procurement of UK produced steel for government contracts is way too late.

We will be left with no basic steel production in the UK which may or may not be a problem in the future.

I hope that there will be some future for engineering steel production ,where there is some element of added value and specialisation.Others will know better than me whether Aldwarke and Stocksbridge can be profitable ,or perhaps of strategic importance for the future.

I hope so

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Private business sometimes close. Yes, in a way I suppose I am saying screw the workers.


Its tragic when a major employer goes under but not totally alien.


My point is, WHY should taxpayer funds be used to prop up a sole plant which seeming has no chance of recovery. IF, the business has any chance of a recovery it will be bought. IF IT DOES NOT, then why should we waste millions or billions of pounds on it.


The workers will have to go and find other work, maybe some will retrain and go into something different. Maybe some will use it as a point in which to retire.


They will not be the first ones in such a situation. Why is this privately owned steel plant singled out for such government attention.


Did Labour MPs demand that Woolworths was funded by taxpayer monies when it when under. What about those 27,000 employees. Where was the politicians screaming to protect them?


Where was the leftie press outrage when HSBC announced their 8000 job cuts.


I say again, why is this one company and this one plant deserving of special attention.

It is not the sole remaining steel manufacturer in the UK.


We don't know how viable it is. I don't think anybody is suggesting we plough money in forever, but rather just offer some support in order to assess what the best thing to do is, keeping in mind that this is a sudden decision by Tata.


The difference is that this business has some national strategic value. And yes there are other steel manufacturers but as I said in the previous post what do you do when the next one is under threat? Roll over again, and keep doing it until we have no steel industry at all? A line has to be drawn somewhere and maybe this is the time to draw the line but we need some breathing pace to find out.

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