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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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Steel manufacturing is a highly specialised process. Different plants make different products. There are many types of steel we already have to import so let's not become even more dependent on imports.


---------- Post added 30-03-2016 at 21:07 ----------



I'm not talking about the 4.6m. Read my post again. There is a specific cost to two tax changes for high earners. I'm saying that 7% of the cost of that is a small price to pay.


Saving 15,000 jobs at a cost of £24,000+ per person of taxpayers money is unfair. Giving 4.6m a tax break at a cost of £1050 person is different. Giving so much to so few isn't right.

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If nationalisation was in breach of EU rules then we wouldn't have been able to nationalise the banks in 2008-9.


Try again.......


The argument that we can't nationalise is a fallacy developed by Ukip to bash the EU, and it's contrary to all the evidence about what happened in 2008-9

looks like you wrong mate

http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-115_en.htm try again :D

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Saving 15,000 jobs at a cost of £24,000+ per person of taxpayers money is unfair. Giving 4.6m a tax break at a cost of £1050 person is different. Giving so much to so few isn't right.


I'm not talking about not giving 4.6m people a tax break. They can still have it. I'm talking about not giving high earners all of the £4.8bn earmarked for them.


---------- Post added 30-03-2016 at 21:42 ----------


looks like you wrong mate

http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-115_en.htm try again :D


Basically that is saying that if the UK government were to intervene it would be subject to an investigation.


So, the choice is not intervene and let the industry die off. Or intervene, keep the industry alive until the investigation which would be months or years down the line anyway.


Given the situation with possible Brexit would you kill the plant now just in case there was an investigation, only to find later that we could have kept it open anyway?

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I'm not talking about not giving 4.6m people a tax break. They can still have it. I'm talking about not giving high earners all of the £4.8bn earmarked for them.


---------- Post added 30-03-2016 at 21:42 ----------



Basically that is saying that if the UK government were to intervene it would be subject to an investigation.


So, the choice is not intervene and let the industry die off. Or intervene, keep the industry alive until the investigation which would be months or years down the line anyway.


Given the situation with possible Brexit would you kill the plant now just in case there was an investigation, only to find later that we could have kept it open anyway?

no I would bail them out and take the fine/punishment that came with doing so :D but we talking the tories here and us british just have to obey the rules. its happened in Italy with the steelworks its happened with the germans over building new trains. guess its only us who obey the rules and get shafted for it makes you proud to be british eh :loopy:

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no I would bail them out and take the fine/punishment that came with doing so :D but we talking the tories here and us british just have to obey the rules. its happened in Italy with the steelworks its happened with the germans over building new trains. guess its only us who obey the rules and get shafted for it makes you proud to be british eh :loopy:


The difference between us and the likes of Germany, Italy and France is they bend EU competition rules to the max, and they take the risk of these investigations in order to protect their industries.


We don't. We just roll over and take it up the jacksy.

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This is one of the reasons I'm on the fence about GBrexit. The EU rules stop rabid nutty socialist governments from nationalising all and sundry.


The competition rules don't bother the Germans, French and Italians that much.


The conclusions of any investigation can be appealed all the way to the ECJ anyway and that takes years ;)

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The difference between us and the likes of Germany, Italy and France is they bend EU competition rules to the max, and they take the risk of these investigations in order to protect their industries.


We don't. We just roll over and take it up the jacksy.

ive been saying it for years and been shouted down on here before but nothing will change and the gov will roll over again.

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Saving 15,000 jobs at a cost of £24,000+ per person of taxpayers money is unfair. Giving 4.6m a tax break at a cost of £1050 person is different. Giving so much to so few isn't right.


Yes it is rather bizzare isn't it. Expecting folk who work at McDonalds who earn less than £7.00/hour whilst making something folk want, having to fork out to subsidise folk on £14.00/hour to make something we don't want.

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Yes it is rather bizzare isn't it. Expecting folk who work at McDonalds who earn less than £7.00/hour whilst making something folk want, having to fork out to subsidise folk on £14.00/hour to make something we don't want.

its also bizzare that those same employees pay more taxes than the likes of facebook etc don't you think :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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