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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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Sometimes there is a need to sustain nationally strategic infrastructure and industries.


Further down the line you can guarantee the private sector will be moaning when the Chinese put the prices back up.


It's the problem with the UK: short-termism


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 11:43 ----------



British companies buy a lot of it.

Let's stop consuming so many imports then!.............of course we won't! Margaret Thatcher tried the Buy British campaign when British Leyland hit the skids years ago only to fall on deaf ears!


We have a love affair with other nations products and we are all partakers!

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that may be, but that isn't a green light for the tories to continue not looking after them.


Where is the cost-benefit analysis of what it would cost to close the plants, in terms of future lost tax receipts (from workers), the cost of welfare payments to support the up to 40,0000 workers (and their families) at risk, and the aggregate demand taken out of local economies because of a negative multiplier effect?


All that alone could cost in excess of £1m a day.


---------- post added 31-03-2016 at 11:40 ----------

that's assuming that they don't get another job, by moving, if that's what it would take.






in effect they are.

. .
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In effect they are.


In what way are they subsidies? A subsidy is money from the state to help keep the price of a good or service artificially low.


Also, a genuine question, not trying to trip you up. What chance was there made to income tax for those earning over 43k?

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Who's fault is that?...It's an industry that is the backbone of 'Great Britain'...Just watch how 'cheap' imports of any steel suddenly become bleedin' expensive following a shutdown of the British Steel industry.


As far as I'm aware the UK manufactures around 12 million tons of steel a year which is more than we actually consume. We imported around 5 million tons and seem to have exported around 7 million tons last year. But we do import a lot of steel in the form of motor vehicles etc. What a shame British consumers who moan about our the government not subsidising our industries don't actually put their hands in their pockets and buy the things that these businesses make.


Gosh cheap drill bits from China that manage one hole before the end drops off. Better buy those.


If you did an audit of the steel owned by the average British household; lawnmowers, motor cars, cutlery, garden tools, you would soon have an answer to why our steel industry is in trouble and why Sheffield no longer has a cutlery industry.

Edited by foxy lady
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In what way are they subsidies? A subsidy is money from the state to help keep the price of a good or service artificially low.


Also, a genuine question, not trying to trip you up. What chance was there made to income tax for those earning over 43k?


The threshold is increasing.

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Point of interest, Donald trump of all people is going to put all sorts of barriers to stop cheap Chinese imports. Does he have a point? Could the EU do that, and should they?


Yes they could, the EU discussed doing this. Read today though that Cameron and Javid veto'd such a plan when it came up.


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 12:16 ----------


Perhaps I'd have more sympathy for the folk who work at Tata Steel if the car parks weren't stuffed with Volkswagens, Renaults and Citreon that were imported after being made with foreign steel.



Do you know which cars they could buy that are made from British Steel?

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Yes they could, the EU discussed doing this. Read today though that Cameron and Javid veto'd such a plan when it came up.


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 12:16 ----------



Do you know which cars they could buy that are made from British Steel?


Yes. The list includes ALL Jaguars, Land Rovers, Minis, most Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans, most Vauxhall Astras and many more. And certainly not Volswagens, Renaults or Kias. If you want to buy British you only have to ask before you buy.




I bet there are folk on here who moan about Sheffield no longer having a cutlery trade to speak of and are about to tuck into lunch using imported Inox cutlery.

Edited by foxy lady
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The thing is though most people want cheap, you only have to read on here with people posting anyone know of a cheap XYZ. Business are the same, if they can get the same stuff cheaper from the far east thats what they will do.


You may well be right about prices if our steel industry is shut down.


Who is buying british steel these days.


Spot on..........


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 13:16 ----------


I've just read the entire thread, and I'm wondering how many of the posters on here would be directly affected by the closure of TATA steel? I suspect not many judging by the 'let steel fail' type posts.


I just wonder, if their opinions might be a bit different if you were about to lose your livelihood through no fault of your own.


Been lots of other industries closed or slowly eroded over time. How many post offices have been shut since the late 90s? I read about a fifth of all rural ones. Where were the picket lines and the national outrage? That would affected loads more people than a steel works shutting down.


---------- Post added 31-03-2016 at 13:19 ----------


What if we need to produce more ships in the future? Buy the steel from the Chinese?


Subsidise the plants until we have a clear idea of the best options to take.


Subsidise it at a million a day? That's what's it's losing right?


Couple of other points: If it is strategic, how come we got into this position? How much are TATA going to want to take the plant(s) of their hands?

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Yes. The list includes ALL Jaguars, Land Rovers, Minis, most Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans, most Vauxhall Astras and many more. And certainly not Volswagens, Renaults or Kias. If you want to buy British you only have to ask before you buy.




I bet there are folk on here who moan about Sheffield no longer having a cutlery trade to speak of and are about to tuck into lunch using imported Inox cutlery.

......trouble is Foxy,that todays generation have no choice but to buy foreign cutlery.Richardsons one of Sheffields largest cutlery manufacturers from yesteryear started buying in cutlery blanks from abroad and then just finishing them off in Sheffield ,thus only needing half the workforce they once employed!...........others soon followed suit! and eventually the whole operation shifted abroad like so many others and we started buying cheaper imported cutlery............like most do!
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