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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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Incredible. You would sell British workers down the river in a heartbeat but you still claim to be flying the flag. You really couldn't make this up.


To be fair though your personal own agenda seems to be support the neoliberal agenda that our main parties follow. At its heart their agenda is duplicitous. It simultaneously claims to care about our national interest while following policies that are often against our national interest. It requires a mindset that distills what are nationally and regionally important crises into simple business problems that can be measured in basic headline figures. The £1m a day figure is what you are interested in. Not people. Not jobs. Not families. Not communities. Not even our nationally strategic industries or our national security.


I'm flying the flag. Why don't you join in?


Well that's pretty simple. For a start Corbyn and his cronies have no interest in the jobs of the steel workers. They want the government to waste billions on nationalising a total lame duck. They want the government to tip billions into keeping the plany open so that targets on cutting the deficit are missed. And ultimately they want the government to be the ones to bow to the inevitable and pull the plug causing a huge dispute over making the workforce redundant.


The government aren't going to fall for that one. But if You and your mates want to buy shares in Tata they are available and you can waste your own cash. I won't be investing. I'm out.


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 09:50 ----------


They probably already do sell stuff to South Korea.


We shouldn't import stuff because someone else can make it cheaper, we should only import that which we can't produce ourselves.


There is that. Do you not buy cheap foreign imported goods?


---------- Post added 02-04-2016 at 09:53 ----------


They've been chiselling away at them for years. Half of its gone already. Our car industry is all foreign owed - what if the likes of Toyota and Nissan said all manufacturing is coming back to Japan and given the state of the Japanese economy I'm slightly surprised it's not already happened.



They probably would leave if they were told that due to the government nationalising steel and putting a huge tax on steel imports the raw materials that they use would add £300 to the price of each car they produce.

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This whilst Cameron, Osborne and Javid actively fight to keep tariffs for Chinese steel imports as low as possible.

A brexiter will be along shortly to claim we couldn't impose tariffs because the EU blocked us rather than the EU couldn't impose tariffs because we blocked them.

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A brexiter will be along shortly to claim we couldn't impose tariffs because the EU blocked us rather than the EU couldn't impose tariffs because we blocked them.


Would that be a Conservative Government who blocked EU proposals? ;)

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Meanwhile China imposes a 46% import duty on the type of high-tech steel made by Tata in Port Talbot.


This whilst Cameron, Osborne and Javid actively fight to keep tariffs for Chinese steel imports as low as possible.


Never mind though, Cameron has "raised his concerns" with the Chinese President, so that's alright then. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing that they're worried what the knock on effect would be for the rest of industry if the price of steel increased.

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No it was 14 EU members that blocked the proposals, probably because they didn't want pay more for the steel the need.


Which colour persuasion were they?....


Quite frankly, I'm a bit surprised the Chinese actually import 'any' steel from anyone!....Is it way of surmising 'their' steel is all a bit naff, and therefore buy something of quality from Europe? :confused:

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A brexiter will be along shortly to claim we couldn't impose tariffs because the EU blocked us rather than the EU couldn't impose tariffs because we blocked them.


13 other countries also stopped the Lower Duty Rule from being removed too.. are they all Conservatives?


Seems a lot of people are focused on this at the moment without thinking of the bigger picture. Say the LDR was removed, and the EU doubles the cost of steel imported to the EU. Users of that steel in the EU now have a choice, to stop using (was) cheap imported steel, or to keep using it (making their end products more expensive, possibly too expensive).


If they stop using imported steel, they then have to use German or French steel as it's still cheaper than British steel. This helps the UK steel industry how?

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