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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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As far as I can see this is part of the de-industrialisation of Europe for the benefit of global capitalism.


So we put climate change levies on energy production and invest in renewables to show how seriously we take climate change.


Then we buy goods from China, who have more coal fired power stations than soft Mick.


It's a bit hypocritical, surely?


And we put on pig welfare requirements and import pork from folk who don't. But it makes us feel better about ourselves.

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What about letting steel decline to all but a token existence, and ploughing money into a new industry like Graphene production and applications. We invented the stuff and is something else we seem to have given away for others to develop, yet it's possibilities are endless and it's potential worth billions.

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Would that be Peter Skinner? The Labour MEP for the south east, who's been convicted of fiddling half a million quid in expenses, and now faces a jail sentence.


Anyone who fiddles expenses deserves jail time, but sutty was trying to claim how wonderfully selfless UKIP are which is utter ********.

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Anyone who fiddles expenses deserves jail time, but sutty was trying to claim how wonderfully selfless UKIP are which is utter ********.


Intentionally cutting off your supply of money for the benefit of everyone is a very selfless act.

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What about letting steel decline to all but a token existence, and ploughing money into a new industry like Graphene production and applications. We invented the stuff and is something else we seem to have given away for others to develop, yet it's possibilities are endless and it's potential worth billions.


Graphene aircraft carrier anyone? Why not?

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As far as I can see this is part of the de-industrialisation of Europe for the benefit of global capitalism.


So we put climate change levies on energy production and invest in renewables to show how seriously we take climate change.


Then we buy goods from China, who have more coal fired power stations than soft Mick.


It's a bit hypocritical, surely?


Not really, Germany have put import tariffs on cheap Chinese imported solar panels as importing them was ruining the German solar panel industry. That has a knock on effect of increasing green renewable energy costs.

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Intentionally cutting off your supply of money for the benefit of everyone is a very selfless act.


If the vote is to stay in are they going to leave their posts.


After all Ukip's whole reason for existing will no longer be a viable goal.

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If the vote is to stay in are they going to leave their posts.


After all Ukip's whole reason for existing will no longer be a viable goal.


I hope not, their reason for existence is to get us out of the EU, a vote to stay means they won't have fulfilled their reason for existence, they will loose their MEP status when they are no longer elected by the British people or we leave the EU, the fight to leave will continue until we are out.


SNP didn't pack their bags and give up the fight when they lost their long fought for referendum and UKIP shouldn't either.

Edited by sutty27
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I hope not, their reason for existence is to get us out of the EU, a vote to stay means they won't have fulfilled their reason for existence, they will loose their MEP status when they are no longer elected by the British people or we leave the EU, the fight to leave will continue until we are out.


SNP didn't pack their bags and give up the fight when they lost their long fought for referendum and UKIP shouldn't either.


So why do you support the Tories then?

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If the vote is to stay in are they going to leave their posts.


After all Ukip's whole reason for existing will no longer be a viable goal.


What are your thoughts on the SNP? They took rather a lot of seats in Scotland in the General Election after the Scottish referendum went against Scottish independence. They look like they will also sweep up in the election for the Scottish Parliament in May.

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