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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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maybe if we got the same subsidies as these other countries and were paying the same price for energy use we might be a little more competitive. or maybe if we didn't deal with countries using cheap labour/not addressing the carbon/green issues that we have to pay we might be in with a chance :loopy: but carry on with your support in trying to make the british workforce to become a third word workplace :huh:


How could we do that? Ban the sales of TVs and smart phones etc? Or maybe we can accept the way the world is and do our best to make our way in it.

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not doing a good of it at the moment thou are we :huh:.


We are working hard and doing our best.


The politicians, and the 'movers and shakers' on the other hand, have been pretty useless for the last 50 years, and allowed these situations to arise, largely by selling off the family silver until there's very little left. They have been paid mountains of cash - because 'we have to have only the best,' and feathered their own nests very nicely thankyou, whilst screwing everyone else into the ground.

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If we're by GDP the 5th biggest economy in the world, it suggests that we aren't doing to bad.

try telling that to the people who are seeing their benefits being cut/job losses/foodbanks etc take them blinkers off mate. that's the trouble with you pretend tories you believe all the hype


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 00:18 ----------


Actually when I look at it I think we are doing pretty well. Perhaps if I were in Rotherham my outlook would be different.

and if I was sat in your ivory tower my outlook would be different eh :huh:

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maybe if we got the same subsidies as these other countries and were paying the same price for energy use we might be a little more competitive. or maybe if we didn't deal with countries using cheap labour/not addressing the carbon/green issues that we have to pay we might be in with a chance :loopy: but carry on with your support in trying to make the british workforce to become a third word workplace :huh:


The green 'subsidies' account for around 1% of the cost of steel; and we do have cheap labour - we have and unlimited supply of refugees from Syria.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 02:04 ----------


As around 50% of the cost of UK steel is labour, then it is difficult to imagine the UK can compete unless the workforce work for the levels of pay that the competition receive. I doubt the UK steel workers will do that. Therefore there is little prospect of the current situation changing for the better.


If our wages are increasing, maybe that is a good thing, but dont we have lots of people entering the country, perhaps they can be used for cheap labour?

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maybe if we got the same subsidies as these other countries and were paying the same price for energy use we might be a little more competitive. or maybe if we didn't deal with countries using cheap labour/not addressing the carbon/green issues that we have to pay we might be in with a chance :loopy: but carry on with your support in trying to make the british workforce to become a third word workplace :huh:


That's the way to go.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 07:49 ----------


How could we do that? Ban the sales of TVs and smart phones etc? Or maybe we can accept the way the world is and do our best to make our way in it.


No we would do it by making them for our own market.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 07:51 ----------


We are working hard and doing our best.


The politicians, and the 'movers and shakers' on the other hand, have been pretty useless for the last 50 years, and allowed these situations to arise, largely by selling off the family silver until there's very little left. They have been paid mountains of cash - because 'we have to have only the best,' and feathered their own nests very nicely thankyou, whilst screwing everyone else into the ground.


They had no choice, when you're spending more than your income you either get into more debt or sell some of the stuff you no longer need.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 07:58 ----------


try telling that to the people who are seeing their benefits being cut/job losses/foodbanks etc take them blinkers off mate. that's the trouble with you pretend tories you believe all the hype


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 00:18 ----------


and if I was sat in your ivory tower my outlook would be different eh :huh:


That's one of our problems, China subsidise business which makes them more competitive and able sell stuff cheaply, we subsidise the non productive member of society, you have to choose its one or the other because we can't afford to do both.


Less than 1% of the worlds population live in the UK but 7% of the worlds welfare spending is spent here, our non-productive members of society are wealthy than most of the worlds productive members of society.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 08:01 ----------


The green 'subsidies' account for around 1% of the cost of steel; and we do have cheap labour - we have and unlimited supply of refugees from Syria.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 02:04 ----------



If our wages are increasing, maybe that is a good thing, but dont we have lots of people entering the country, perhaps they can be used for cheap labour?


There is plenty of cheap labour in the EU so making and buying our steel from EU countries such as Romania would make more sense than buying it from China. I thought that was the point of the internal market we buy and sell everything we need within that market.

Edited by sutty27
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try telling that to the people who are seeing their benefits being cut/job losses/foodbanks etc take them blinkers off mate. that's the trouble with you pretend tories you believe all the hype


Maybe you can look beyond your lazy stereotype and realise that not everyone who has a pragmatic attitude to our economy is a tory. :roll eyes:

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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