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Tata Steel to sell UK all assets

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The problem Ecco is you don't seem to be able to spot a genuine one nation British Conservative when you see one.


You and the likes of Foxy are as sucked-in to the neoliberal free trade globalist agenda as Blair, Brown, Clegg, Osborne and Cameron.


It's an agenda that doesn't stand up for Britain, and makes apologies for a corrupt communist regime, makes apologies for pollution and for the use of cheap labour, and makes apologies for a globalist agenda that we all know has gone badly wrong.


You don't fly the flag for Britain. Don't even pretend you do.


You sound like Donald trump!

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I'm not apologising for the Chinese. Nor the Japanese. The Japanese don't send many cars here any more. There are however quite a lot arriving from the low wage high polution economies around the world.


Perhaps if you pulled back from trying to make political points out of everything you might actually take time out to analyse the situation. That is that we cannot make steel as cheaply as other nations, and if you actually looked at my posts you would see how many times I mention how little steel we buy from China and how much we buy from Europe.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 13:22 ----------



The Tories are always happy when the Corbynites try to refight the elections of the 1980s. Thatcher won 3 elections because the voters prefered her policies to the leftwing lunatics who were in charge of the Labour Party at the time. So its always good to see those lunatics are still alive and active around South Yorkshire. Burning effigies and waving banners. They are a great warning to the voters of Middle England.

I found it quite amusing to hear that Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour still hasn't ever had a councillor win an election. The Loony party currently have 7. Now that's a mountain to climb. :hihi::hihi:


I tell you this every time you go on one of your loony anti-Labour anti-Corbyn rants in response to my posts:


I don't support Labour. Got it?


I don't support them because the only electable version of the party in recent years is neoliberal globalist free trade and apologistic for communist regimes. You've got way more in common with Labour than you realise.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 15:07 ----------


You sound like Donald trump!


Well, if you cut through all the misogynistic, racist, populist nonsense he actually does have a point on free trade and has articulated it better than any other politician.


And there is the point: opposition to neoliberalism can come from either side of the political spectrum. From the left, or from people with traditional Conservative views. People like Hitchens or Trump.


But then you now have the Tory bods on here telling us those people are dinosaurs, that the liberal free trade way is the new way, that we should take whatever crap China throws at us and just put up with it.


If you're British and proud I don't think that is good enough.

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I tell you this every time you go on one of your loony anti-Labour anti-Corbyn rants in response to my posts:


I don't support Labour. Got it?


I don't support them because the only electable version of the party in recent years is neoliberal globalist free trade and apologistic for communist regimes. You've got way more in common with Labour than you realise.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 15:07 ----------



Well, if you cut through all the misogynistic, racist, populist nonsense he actually does have a point on free trade and has articulated it better than any other politician.


And there is the point: opposition to neoliberalism can come from either side of the political spectrum. From the left, or from people with traditional Conservative views. People like Hitchens or Trump.


But then you now have the Tory bods on here telling us those people are dinosaurs, that the liberal free trade way is the new way, that we should take whatever crap China throws at us and just put up with it.


If you're British and proud I don't think that is good enough.


Nobody is saying that - we don't just take everything China throws at us, we queue round the block for it. What percentage of people wonder where a car was built, with what steel, who owns the company? 2% maybe? Want it cheap, or oh it has to be German, Jeremy clarkson likes it and it will look good in the car park.


If we are going to invest in state owned anything, energy has to be a long way in front of a steel works producing something that nobody wants.

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They had no choice, when you're spending more than your income you either get into more debt or sell some of the stuff you no longer need.


Just about every country in the world is in debt. That's the way the banks like it.

But they did have a choice. Other countries have not gone down this route, or at least, not nearly to the same extent.

And it is all stuff we need. Very much so. But rather than keep ownership, and get tax and income from it, it has been sold off at bargain prices.

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Just about every country in the world is in debt. That's the way the banks like it.

But they did have a choice. Other countries have not gone down this route, or at least, not nearly to the same extent.

And it is all stuff we need. Very much so. But rather than keep ownership, and get tax and income from it, it has been sold off at bargain prices.


Agree on the last point. Didn't we flog off a part of a bank for a loss just when it was starting to make money?

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Nobody is saying that - we don't just take everything China throws at us, we queue round the block for it. What percentage of people wonder where a car was built, with what steel, who owns the company? 2% maybe? Want it cheap, or oh it has to be German, Jeremy clarkson likes it and it will look good in the car park.


If we are going to invest in state owned anything, energy has to be a long way in front of a steel works producing something that nobody wants.


Well if you listen to Trump's plans they involve repatriating manufacturing. Thee book I linked to explains exactly how that process works


Given current market and economic conditions there is a glut of steel but as has been stated many times there is a national strategic, and potentially national security angle. It's guaranteed we are going to regret shutting down our steel plants.


Its like some kind of collective madness has descended.

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It may be true that we cannot compete with other countries that pay their worker 50p an hour; but we should be able to compete with any other EU country, we are all under the same EU rules.


Not quite, we all have to follow EU rules but we also have our own rules, and most of the other EU countries pay lower wages than the UK, so if we must buy cheap stuff from another country it should at least be one of the low waged EU countries.


The 17 million unemployed could be producing the cheap stuff that we buy from China.


---------- Post added 03-04-2016 at 16:57 ----------


Just about every country in the world is in debt. That's the way the banks like it.

But they did have a choice. Other countries have not gone down this route, or at least, not nearly to the same extent.

And it is all stuff we need. Very much so. But rather than keep ownership, and get tax and income from it, it has been sold off at bargain prices.


What have we sold that would now be generating tax and income if we hadn't sold it?

Edited by sutty27
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I tell you this every time you go on one of your loony anti-Labour anti-Corbyn rants in response to my posts:


I don't support Labour. Got it?


I don't support them because the only electable version of the party in recent years is neoliberal globalist free trade and apologistic for communist regimes. You've got way more in common with Labour than you realise..


I've never suggested that you support Labour. I doubt who you vote for retains their deposit at elections. But fortunately for the country your vote is irrelevant no matter where you cast it. Elections are decided in constituencies where your politics is as appealling as polio. Long may that continue for the good of the country.

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