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National Living Wage.

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Any chance of corporations paying it out of their profits? Or maybe taking it out of the CEOs and highest earners wages and bonuses?


I'm sure they won't miss the odd million or two.

you see it all the time on here people sticking up for the wealthy and saying we cant do this/that etc to them. they never seem to be saying let it come out of their profits thou funny that :huh:.

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Guest sibon
I'm pretty sure i heard on the radio yesterday that companies like BnQ may stop paying time and a half for sat staff and whatever they pay on a sunday to absorb the new rates.


B and Q made £700m profit last year. They should be perfectly capable of paying the living wage without cutting overtime payments.

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Yeah: get out of it soonest, so the nasty party gets free to promptly repeal decades' worth of Health & Safety, holiday, pay and other employee-oriented bits of EU legislation off UK statutes, whereby UK steel mills and other industries can race back to the bottom Victorian-like standards and finally compete eye-to-eye with the Chinese and Indian ones :thumbsup:




Careful what you wish, ric mate...you might just get it :|

another scaremongering tactic eh loob . you saying we only had these laws since we were in the eu :huh: you having a giraffe mate :hihi:

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another scaremongering tactic eh loob . you saying we only had these laws since we were in the eu :huh: you having a giraffe mate :hihi:
Neither scaremongering, nor claiming UK labour/employment/working conditions were Victorian-like until 1973.


Just following the money (logically), and contrasting UK employment legislation as it stood in 1973 against today's.


You brought the EU in on this, in somewhat of a baiting manner. If you don't like the answers, don't ask, or feel free to ignore them :) And if what I posted should come to pass...don't then come whingeing on here that you didn't know.eh ric. :twisted:

Edited by L00b
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Another left-wing rant?


In left eyes, they [Nasties] couldn't win whatever they did.


Reduced it - *******s

Increased it a bit - *******s, it's not enough

Increased it a lot - *******s, trying to win votes

Changed the name and increased it - *******s, trying to win votes




No matter how often they try to hijack the term it's still not the Living Wage, just a slightly improved minimum wage that won't compensate for the loss of tax credits under Universal Credit.


This is the funny thing though in all this Funky... Why would they want to associate themselves with the NMW in the first place? The NMW certainly in my lifetime, has been the most destructive thing to wages by any government.


They're doing it to win votes. The right thing to do is get rid. But they'd be out in a week if they even suggested that (don't forget anyone under about 35 has never worked before it was introduced). So they're just trying to win votes by making a crap idea even worse by buying into this 'new name' business.




This is why politics is poor here. And most probably holding us back more than any Scotland vote or EU vote.


Whoever gets in knows what the problems are at the time, (either side, unlike all these silly threads lately, I can see both sides).


Instead of dealing with things these days, it just sparring matches for all to see, so instead of doing anything, it's just suggesting things that will win votes, wasting vast amounts of money doing it, to keep people onside.


It's just bodge-jobbing previously bodged jobs, to keep people with bodged brains, happy. This is an example of the Tories doing it.


(send me a post card ricgem :hihi:)


No matter how often they try to hijack the term it's still not the Living Wage, just a slightly improved minimum wage that won't compensate for the loss of tax credits under Universal Credit.


It's gone too far now. We're stuck with low wages for all now. For this, I blame Tony Blair's government entirely.


Why were tax credits introduced? Because NMW failed. Why did they allow 8 countries into our workforce? We were saved by the NMW :rolleyes: All these working people, people doing crap jobs like me, vote Labour. The very people who caused this NMW malarky, and they still vote for them.




Why not just call it an increase to the National Minimum Wage?


The Government are just trying to confuse people into thinking they've brought in the "living wage" which is an hourly rate of pay and updated annually.


The Living Wage is set independently by the Living Wage Foundation and is calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK. Employers choose to pay the Living Wage on a voluntary basis.


The "National Living Wage" is just the NMW rebranded.


Got there before me Funky Gibbon!


Yes, like I said.


These days British politics is just a popularity content.


see above though for my view on the whole NMW mess.

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Neither scaremongering, nor claiming UK labour/employment/working conditions were Victorian-like until 1973.


Just following the money (logically), and contrasting UK employment legislation as it stood in 1973 against today's.


You brought the EU in on this, in somewhat of a baiting manner. If you don't like the answers, don't ask, or feel free to ignore them :) And if what I posted should come to pass...don't then come whingeing on here that you didn't know :twisted:

and the same goes for you loob :hihi: but when it does happen which it will (im talking about brexit here) ill be man enough to admit im wrong will you :suspect:

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B and Q made £700m profit last year. They should be perfectly capable of paying the living wage without cutting overtime payments.


I agree Sibon.


However,i've attended a few meetings of late, (Care manager) with Local Authorities, and it's looking pretty dire! The Government's not increasing funding, (no surprise there) for staff who deserve more in the pay packets.

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This will either put companies out of business or the price of everything will increase to cover the extra wages .


You cannot expect business`s to adsorb to cost.



Funny how prices have started to rise over the last month. Petrol has gone up by 1 or 2p despite oil prices staying the same(My local BP has gone up about 6p!). In the cafe we go to, prices rose by 5% last week.


It seems a bit of a coincidence that these rises are happening just before the NLW is introduced.

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I'm pretty sure i heard on the radio yesterday that companies like BnQ may stop paying time and a half for sat staff and whatever they pay on a sunday to absorb the new rates.


But Saturdays aren't 'special' days why should people get time and half? This is not my view but it's what the government are saying about the time that Doctors work on Saturdays. If doctors can work Saturdays at normal rates shouldn't everyone else?

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and the same goes for you loob :hihi: but when it does happen which it will (im talking about brexit here) ill be man enough to admit im wrong will you :suspect:
There is no right or wrong answer to the June 23 vote. What would I have to admit to being wrong about, if Brexit were to happen in June? :roll:


In this debate about the NLW, if Brexit does happen (which I doubt, but I'm alright with either outcome anyway :P), I will admit I'm wrong (as I always do on here when I am provably wrong) only if the UK employment legislation, conditions and wage levels remain untouched a while after the EU-exiting negotiations are complete and the UK is 'properly' out of the EU legislative system. They're not going to change until then, and that's going to take a few years.


The same as, in this debate, you should admit you're wrong only if the UK employment legislation, conditions and wage levels deteriorate after the EU-exiting negotiations are complete and the UK is 'properly' out of the EU legislative system.

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