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National Living Wage.

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No point at all,unless your the one that cannot afford to pay your bills due to greedy companys who want to take local money but want to give apsolute minimum back.


What some miss is if many workers are on low income then there is less custom for companys.More money in workers hands is good for everyone.

We are not a third world country quite yet but if some had their way,many workers would be treated like they were.


As I said, no point in the NLW, companies wouldn't dare use their profits to pay for it!


Food and fuel price rises are nothing new.Poor road design costs us much more than workers getting a few pence pay rise.


Well fuel has been low for 6 months and food prices have been stable for ages so I don't believe it's a coincidence

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Just listening to a debate about living wage.


Supporter of LW, the low paid deserve to be paid more.


Retail spokesperson, but that will mean fewer jobs and price increases.


Supporter, if we all have to pay more so the low paid can have more then so be it.


Does she not realise that if we pay more and prices rise, the extra pay is wiped out by those increases in price.


Supporter talked about the low pay paid to Sport direct staff and thinks they should pay more even if they have to raise their prices.



Does she not realise that low paid workers spend their money in Sports direct so any pay rise will be wiped out by the increased prices they have to pay.

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cannot remember a National Living Wage in the sixties ,people seemed to get by till Thatcher crushed the unions in the seventies.


It all started when British company's sold the tools complete mills in some cases to India and China to make steel and so on,but not thinking what there labour cost would be,only the profit on the sales they made at the time.

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I agree Sibon.


However,i've attended a few meetings of late, (Care manager) with Local Authorities, and it's looking pretty dire! The Government's not increasing funding, (no surprise there) for staff who deserve more in the pay packets.


Care homes are charging residents upwards of £600 a week each, and they can't afford to pay staff a living wage?


I'm sorry, but someone, somewhere along the line, is getting very rich indeed at the expense of the hard working care assistants and the residents of these homes.

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You always hear people from the CBI say that the result of the higher minimum wage will be higher prices for consumers, or job cuts for some of their staff. Never that bosses of these firms that are paying low wages that they might have to take a pay cut :suspect:

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Care homes are charging residents upwards of £600 a week each, and they can't afford to pay staff a living wage?


I'm sorry, but someone, somewhere along the line, is getting very rich indeed at the expense of the hard working care assistants and the residents of these homes.


I'm nothing to do with care homes, i manage 24/7 services in the community.


I get what you're saying though. My partners mum has been in a care home for the last 2 years, (Dementia). All paid for until recently, her condition has advanced and the home does not have the facilities to care for her extra needs, so it's now down to her daughters to find £500 a week for her care at another home, (which will have a bad impact on her well-being), as she likes where she is.


I'm always screaming out for staff to be paid more, but it's the local authority that pays our company, (charitable status) and the government aint providing extra funding.


Local governmment's skint, and the social services are skint. Cuts, Cuts and more cuts.

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