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If nuclear war was imminent

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I would certainly try to survive a nuclear attack. If I did and life turned out to be too unpleasant, it's a pretty easy matter to put right. The approach some advocate of standing on a hill top with your arms outstretched shouting "bring it on" is a bit stupid as there's no guarantee of a quick death: one could end up surviving in agony with 1st degree burns and thinking what a tit was I!

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I'd use my fallout 3 knowledge, the key bit would be not to try and climb over a desk and some boxes in an old hospital and get stuck there FOR EVER.


I haven't had that experience in Fallout 4 yet, hence my learning curve is ensuring survival!

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Actually I have a pretty good shelter in a cellar under a concrete floor. The ground water level is only about 30 cm below the floor level, so I just need to filter the air and water. I could get hold of enough stuff from work provided I got there before the other panicking hordes.

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It might be possible for some people to survive for a few weeks in a suitably equipped fallout shelter, but then what?


Assuming a full nuclear war,we'd have been bombed back to the stone age.


No power, no communication, little medicine and few people who know how to use it. Dead people everywhere but no one to bury them so disease rampant. No refrigeration so food stock (what's left of it,) rotting away quickly, - tinned food won't last forever. No chance to grow any more for several years because of nuclear winter and contaminated soil and water. Lack of manpower means little clearing or rebuilding and many useful skills and knowledge lost and unrecoverable. Children born ill and genetically abnormal for many generations. That's just for a start.


Not a world I'd want to inhabit.

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It might be possible for some people to survive for a few weeks in a suitably equipped fallout shelter, but then what?


Assuming a full nuclear war,we'd have been bombed back to the stone age.


No power, no communication, little medicine and few people who know how to use it. Dead people everywhere but no one to bury them so disease rampant. No refrigeration so food stock (what's left of it,) rotting away quickly, - tinned food won't last forever. No chance to grow any more for several years because of nuclear winter and contaminated soil and water. Lack of manpower means little clearing or rebuilding and many useful skills and knowledge lost and unrecoverable. Children born ill and genetically abnormal for many generations. That's just for a start.


Not a world I'd want to inhabit.


That's the best case scenario.


The truth is nobody knows the true extent of the disaster that a nuclear holocaust would unleash, it may well push this planet much further back than the stone age to a time before complex life forms existed.

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That's the best case scenario.


The truth is nobody knows the true extent of the disaster that a nuclear holocaust would unleash, it may well push this planet much further back than the stone age to a time before complex life forms existed.


What! Even Alcoblog?:hihi:


I personally think it would be best to go quick, rather than suffer the fallout.

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That's the best case scenario.


The truth is nobody knows the true extent of the disaster that a nuclear holocaust would unleash, it may well push this planet much further back than the stone age to a time before complex life forms existed.


Maybe something similar has happened before?

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It is survivable. About 20m Britons at least would survive the first 4 weeks. Not good odds, and worse of course of you live near a primary target but quite a few people would survive the initial exchange.


As for Sheffield it would most likely be hit multiple times but I was hoping the strikes would be in the east end and Rotherham where sutty lives. They would be natural targets because of the communications, motorways, industry, rail lines etc... This side of the city has less strategic value really.



What would Sheffield be nuked for, there is bugger all there of any strategic use to help in the next world war. Unless Medowhell is a cover for the storage of nuclear bombs.



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OK I don't remember that bit was it a bug in the game?


It could happen anywhere if you where unlucky enough and didn't have a suitable save somewhere. I didn't. New Vegas was even worse though. Had two copies that just crashed and crashed and crashed.


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 19:54 ----------


I haven't had that experience in Fallout 4 yet, hence my learning curve is ensuring survival!


Apparently according to my mate fallout 4 is pretty stable on the PS4.

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