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Made in Sheffield RIP

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This current government doesn't give a toss about the normal working persons, they think, im alright Jack, and don't have to live on poor wages and struggle as some people do, who have children as well.

50 pence an hour, a step up ? its disgusting, I expect those struggling on minimum pay, must be planning great things to do with this magnificent pay rise . . . . right !

Paying more for food, running a car, child costs, rise in household fuel costs, and a multitude of other things, that crop up. Mr Cameron, sir.

I would love to challenge you, to live for 6 months,on job seekers allowance, in a near slum like property, and see how he would feel after the reality sets in, he would never survive, for a month, let alone 6 months ! ! ! !

Industry in Sheffield has been destroyed, massive job losses, financial devastation for many families.

I worked with people with disabilities, and life can be more than difficult and challenging for them, in so many ways, without taking money in benefits, away from them, so disgusting, I hope one day he wakes up and smells the coffee, but I doubt he and his henchmen ever will, " IM ALRIGHT JACK "

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...So we need to exit the EU and try to regain some of our manufacturing industry...
We certainly need to leave this big swindle. With any luck the referendum in June will have this result, though so far it's hard to say which way it will go. But a couple of points regarding steel...


Firstly, a decade or so ago there was such strong demand for steel that manhole covers and grates, for example, were being stolen for their scrap value, most of them apparently being shipped out to the Far East. According to this Wikipedia article, in 2004 almost 200 were stolen in one London borough alone. Then came the recession of 2008-09 (caused by greedy bankers if the truth be told) and then the slowdown in the Chinese economy. The world price of steel then collapsed.


Secondly, we spent 100+ years showing the rest of the world how to make steel. Now they can produce it cheaper than we can make it. :|

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The rot started with the propaganda campaign in 1973 for a Common Market , which was promised to bolster our manufacturing economy. This EU was proposed by America as a way of controlling the countries in Europe and was forced through with our vote by Ted Heath, who incidentally was awarded Morning Cloud by the Americans for his 'Treason' to the state.

This of course over the years has grown into the EU , who have not produced accounts for its entire existence and who control where major Government contracts go, ie the Thameslink Train contract of 2012 which was given to Seimens ,Germany.

I cant see Germany or France giving away major contracts that are funded by their taxpayers.

So we need to exit the EU and try to regain some of our manufacturing industry.

However the way the country is porgressing I doubt whether we have the skills anymore from the younger generation.

not knocking your post here but siemans won the contract over bombardier I wonder why our gov let that happen :suspect:

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We do not own any car plants in this country apart from Morgan. All car plants are foreign owned and certainly majority of components are imported , leaving us as a pure assembly country working for basic wages.

Look how the economy would be revitalised, if we manufactured using UK companies all the car components needed , from steel , forging , machining to finishing, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.

An exit from the EU , would give us the power to legislate in this direction.

Apart from severing our energy resource ie coal fuel , and closing all pits, now importing all our needs , Thatcher abolished import Tax on goods , further reducing our ability to compete.

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We certainly need to leave this big swindle. With any luck the referendum in June will have this result, though so far it's hard to say which way it will go. But a couple of points regarding steel...


Firstly, a decade or so ago there was such strong demand for steel that manhole covers and grates, for example, were being stolen for their scrap value, most of them apparently being shipped out to the Far East. According to this Wikipedia article, in 2004 almost 200 were stolen in one London borough alone. Then came the recession of 2008-09 (caused by greedy bankers if the truth be told) and then the slowdown in the Chinese economy. The world price of steel then collapsed.


Secondly, we spent 100+ years showing the rest of the world how to make steel. Now they can produce it cheaper than we can make it. :|


Yes Mr.H. 100+ years of not only steel but stainless to boot ! Then teaching the world in football, cricket, Rugby, tennis, golf (well the Scot's) making motor bikes , building empires and winning world wars and then the roof somewhat fell in !

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In reply to comment by ricgem2002, on the Seimens Train contract given by Thameslink, should note that this country is not run by the Government but by International Bankers , and this contract like many was a political decision forced by them.

On the dumping of steel from China , it should be pointed out China has not dumped the steel but they have been allowed to import and finish off our manufacturing.

Just remember 58 people own 50% of the world wealth , \I think that is the figure

The next gem in the portfolio is NHS , International Bankers desparate to get their hands on this £100 billion concern.Look out for Privatiasation if we opt to stay in EU.

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Our Government has no money for essential services, disability allowances , roads, NHS etc., and we are in debt to the tune of £1.9 trillion , yet we still can donate billions of pounds to overseas countries many spending on space programmes, submarines from China or dubious rulers, billions to the unaccountable EU and billions to a Trident defence system , now outdated and never to be used, and futile wars , leaving those countries in turmoil and strife for many years..

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Our basic needs such as energy, water, steel manufacture , coal and railways should be nationalised to protect our future from overseas investors, who as we see have starved this country of its self sufficiency.

Should be noted that any natural resources below ground , ie coal, ores etc, belongs to the unaccountable EU , who have the right to exploitation of our lands.

If the truth be known thats a good reason for Thatcher closing all the pits, in readiness for future exploitation by EU and International Bankers.

Edited by gmarshman
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