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Made in Sheffield RIP

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Having read all of the posts including ther ones re the EU criminals I tend to agree with all of them

Unless UK leaves the EU, stops the influx of immigrants only arriving for the benefits and throws out those already in place things will certainly get worse.

I worked in Sheffield 1957 to 1966 when I oved to Driffield in East Yorkshire. I set up my manufacturing in Hull in 1972, but as the years went by it became more and more difficult to produce at prices which were acceptable for my overseas clients. The crunch really came with the arrival of Tony B Liar, to me it was confirmation to "Go East Young Man" - during 2006 I moved my manufacturing to Malaysia where manufacturing costs are such and shipping charges less and I can service clientd in the Middle East and India motre easily and at very competitive prices - highly qualified workforce primarily Bangaldeshi at the UK equivalent of UK Pounds 900-00 month. A Man Dir will receive UK Pounds 1,250-00 per month plus annual bonus

Manufacturing in the UK, for me, would result in the company cloising through high costs

My heart does ache for the UK manufacturing I knew and was a part of but in the end it all comes down to manufacturing costs

Victor - Malaysia (aged almost 76)

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Victormh , brilliant , a great contribution to this thread.

I too experienced similar problem and terminated manufacturing chemical products in 2002 , and just continued with Consultancy. The UK market had been starved of business by competition from China and that included its Finishing products. You are quite right the rot maybe started soon after Blair took over as P.M.

I had every intention of upping sticks and transferring to Russia ,a country which is not the enemy, as our leaders tell us , which is an economy which is sustainable. A few health problems over last few years prevented the move, and of course the language was an obstacle.

The main enemy of this country is Saudi Arabia, Israel and somewhat America.


---------- Post added 06-04-2016 at 13:54 ----------


Measures just imposed by EU Bureaucratic Commissioners , to install an Import Tax of 24% is a pittance of an action to curb steel imports from China , whereas America imposed its Tax months ago at 266% a more favourable deterrent to cheap steel imports.

It shows we have no control over our destiny , Government intervention and subsidies not allowed under EU Dictat.

Since a majority of component parts for cars etc are imported especially from Japan they may avoid any import tax on finished products.

An example is one of our prime British companies ie JCB , where some 80% of the components in their Diggers are imported .

If we were allowed to manufacture a portion of component parts for cars and the like in the UK thousands of jobs would be created.


---------- Post added 06-04-2016 at 20:25 ----------


This again shows the lack of confidence and distrust that British entrepreneurs have in the Uk Governments over the years in their attitude to investment.

Investors in the UK are hounded for taxes, legislation and Union activity and no longer would trust their money in British industry.

We see the only interested party, another Indian , in our Steel plants not prepared to risk his capital in such a venture.

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During my time at Footprint there were a number of other hand tool manufacturers in Sheffield such as Record Ridgeway,Gordon Tools,Morrison's etc. Are any of these companies still on the go or have they succumbed to the cheap Chinese/Indian imports?

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This Government or any other party in power will not be allowed to subsidize or buy out our Steel industry.

They can however waste some £9 million of our tax payers money on leaflets for distribution round the UK to encourage us to stay in the bottomless money pit of the EU. Disgraceful !!.

They also have admitted an over spend on Overseas Aid by £170 million above the almost £15 billion we given away.

Yet we are not allowed to save own few remaining manufacturing jobs in the Steel Industry.

Certainly is nearly Sheffield RIP


---------- Post added 08-04-2016 at 15:22 ----------


Further to JFK/Nixon doubts, can point you in a direction for clarification.

Generally the EU claims all ownership and control of members land , under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty.


You may get further evidence from

Ian R.Crane : http://www.iancrane.com/


Get Out of Debt Free: http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/


In brief: http://www.inbrief.co.uk/land-law/land-ownership.htm,

Not sure how they get round Fracking , must be a loophole ?

Hope this will provide further evidence

Edited by gmarshman
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  • 3 weeks later...

To clarify the position on the Steel import tax imposed on any steel purchase from China , the issuing body of the tax levy ie the unelected Bureaucratic EU Commissioners , will benefit from this tax and not the British Government or we the general public. However in the case of America imposing a 266% tax on steel imports to their country , the Government will benefit and America in general.

The visit and rhetoric spouted by Obama has no place in our British affairs, and he should get back home and guide his own country in making it happier for his vast underpriveleged population.

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... Obama has no place in our British affairs, and he should get back home and guide his own country...
Yes indeed. How many Americans would want to be ruled by a bunch of appointees (mostly failed politicians) and unelected bureaucrats sitting in another country?
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Some of the UK population are unaware of the Propaganda banded out over the years by our Governments .The UK is the Propaganda capital of the world and the privileged few have profiteered from this rhetoric and stashed their gains in offshore safe tax havens.

Many American States have campaigned for Independence for years , but their demands have been squashed and hidden .

If America lost its States guise, they would lose its warmongering status in world affairs.

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The commissioners are appointed by the EU national governments, so the elected governments had a say in the appointment of the commissioners. The MEPs via the European Parliament can veto or amend any legislation initiated by the commissioners.


There's your problem.


Sounds like a nice club to me, and of course, they all have staff, translators and chauffeured limousines.


I hear they like to travel too. All the top spots in the Pacific, Caribbean, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean, for "Fact Finding" Delegations. Say hello to Mick and Keith while you are there :) See them in Sheffield much?


All that and you can't figure out from the reams of paper who owns your coal and mining resources, or why you let them tell you how to make your beer, how long your pub bar can be, how tall your fence can be, and of course the banana specs. And the whining!


They blame Maggie, as usual, and one here says it started in 1973.


Truth is the writing was on the wall in 1958, while Maggie was still working at the corner shop, when I looked around England, and started saving for Canada. (and stopped buying toy tools from Woolworths, Broad Lane shops, and Attercliffe. I remember a hammer that had soft nail impressions on the head, spanners that slipped, pliers that couldn't cut or grip, chisels that bent, and screwdrivers that had to be filed every day :)


Real Sheffielders used to say a workman is only as good as his tools.

Edited by trastrick
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