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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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It's not quite the same since you haven't printed your name and address also (not that I am in anyway suggesting you should)


Whatever he puts he will be waiting a while for any response from me. My personal details remain personal until a court or the police decide otherwise.

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Whatever he puts he will be waiting a while for any response from me. My personal details remain personal until a court or the police decide otherwise.


Same here, even my partner doesn't know exactly what I earn. It's private and should remain so whether you have anything to hide or not.

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You missed post #56


I did.


But there are legitimate reasons to discount for cash. If you have cashflow issues for example, or if you are concerned about non payment.


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 11:14 ----------


Whatever he puts he will be waiting a while for any response from me. My personal details remain personal until a court or the police decide otherwise.


Edit - not fair, you never actually agreed to the exchange.


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 11:15 ----------


Same here, even my partner doesn't know exactly what I earn. It's private and should remain so whether you have anything to hide or not.


We (the British) have some weird fixation with keeping our income secret.

I don't really get it. Particularly if you're going so far as to keep it secret from your partner.

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Edit - not fair, you never actually agreed to the exchange.[/Quote]LOL! Posters 'waiting' on ECCOnoob to 'reciprocate' have just learned a useful lesson in contract-forming: no consideration = no contract ;)


So far, and rather oddly considering the subject matter (the 'superwealthy' money-go-round, 1977 to 2015 edition :D), nothing at all about US players and firms in those papers sprung from Panama.


But tons about politically-inconveniencing types like Assad, Putin, Chinese dignitaries, <etc.>...I'm getting very faint whiffs of eau de CIA around this leak.


Unless, of course, the US 'superwealthy' and 'superpowerful' are all standard bearers of probity and integrity, unlike their foreign brethren. Anyone believe in coincidences? :D

Edited by L00b
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LOL! Posters waiting on ECCOnoob to 'reciprocate' just learned a useful lesson in contract-forming ;)


Oddly, nothing at all about US players and firms in those papers sprung from Panama, but tons about politically-inconveniencing types like Assad, Putin, Chinese dignitaries, <etc.>...I'm getting very faint whiffs of eau de CIA around this leak ;)


Unless of course the US 'superwealthy' and 'superpowerful' are all standard bearers of probity and integrity, unlike their foreign brethren...anyone believe in coincidences? :D


I did look like something that was aimed at hurting Putin, or have I started to turn into a conspiracy theorist because I'm also starting to believe that Russia is stoking the Middle East crisis in an effort to weaken the EU.

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I did.


But there are legitimate reasons to discount for cash. If you have cashflow issues for example, or if you are concerned about non payment.


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 11:14 ----------



Edit - not fair, you never actually agreed to the exchange.


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 11:15 ----------



We (the British) have some weird fixation with keeping our income secret.

I don't really get it. Particularly if you're going so far as to keep it secret from your partner.


I don't exactly keep it a secret, it's more a case of she never asked and I never told. She knows around about what I earn through our joint account and obviously I had to produce my accounts when we applied for a mortgage, but I have some tax free income from another venture that I couldn't use for the mortgage and gets paid into a separate bank account, the OH knows I do it and knows a bit about it but that's that really. Just to add it's completely legal and I am not avoiding / evading tax either haha.

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I did look like something that was aimed at hurting Putin, or have I started to turn into a conspiracy theorist because I'm also starting to believe that Russia is stoking the Middle East crisis in an effort to weaken the EU.
I'm certainly not claiming 'conspiracy' as such.


Just pointing out what looks to me like an anomaly (considering the regularly-reported number of American 'powerful superwealthies') and provoking readers' thoughts based on same :)

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Paying for things using legal tender is not "clearly evasion". It's entirely reasonable for businesses to take payment in cash.


Since Friday


Went to about half a dozen shops. Paid cash

Went to 2 restaurants and paid cash in both.

Coffee and cakes in a cafe... Paid cash

Visited 2 pubs and spent nothing but cash.

Went to a club. Paid cash. Also paid cash for drinks and chucked a few quid in a collection for the musicians.

Paid cash in a car park.

Paid cash to a taxi driver. Including a cash tip.


I'm certain that all bar a couple would declare the cash legitimitely, and have no real reason to doubt the other 2 did, if that's what they claim. The cafe a supermarket and the restaurants all gave receipts. The others didn't.

Edited by foxy lady
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Back on topic.


What this demonstrates, for the first time really, is the presence of a cabal that potentially links a lot of people together. Why did all these powerful figures use this particular law-firm? The services they provided aren't exactly complicated - there is a big factor missing and that factor is what binds all the customers.


As JFKvsNixon points out - is the link Russia? It could well be, we all know (I assume) that with the fall of the USSR a very select group of KGB agents all of a sudden claimed massive riches as their own, Putin being a very active cog in all that. But what I find of even more potential interest is how this links to 'terrorism' - nobody can really explain how ISIS all of a sudden had billions of dollars. The 'Oh, but they had all these oil-wells!' argument really doesn't cut it. Nor can anybody explain why ISIS is all of a sudden on a declining curve since Russia decided to intervene on behalf of Assad. Sure, bombing them a bit helps, but the underlying story is that all of a sudden they seem to be running out of money.


if there is a global cabal at work than that really needs further investigation. Is it linked to the financial crisis of 2007/8? Iceland's prime minister being involved suggests so, it was also very convenient for Russia, as demonstrated by their invasion of Georgia and later the Crimea. A West tightening the belt creates opportunity.


The amount of data is HUGE (It goes well beyond 11000 documents if we are talking about 2,3 terabytes of data). So it will take a lot of time to work out what is what. But one also needs to wonder if this leak isn't very convenient for the West, particularly if it, again, implicates mainly Russians...


Whatever way you look at all this, it is certainly interesting.

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