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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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Like I said, you clearly have a chip on your shoulder about it and wont stop - if he gave full returns, which you probably wouldnt understand you just wanmt more details, and more and more - just because you have a problem with someone who manages to earn more money than you.


---------- Post added 10-04-2016 at 23:00 ----------


I have no problem with some people being paid more than others - it's how much more that is the problem.


In case you haven't noticed the gap between rich and poor is growing at an alarmingly increasing rate, and that is bad news for everybody. It is skewing the system and creating all sorts of anomalies - the housing crisis, for example, is just one of them.


Some individuals are now wealthier than some governments. A mere 62 people are said to hold 50%of the world's wealth. That gives them unprecedented power and influence.


The Gini coefficient for the UK is falling Anna, meaning we are becoming more equal as has been pointed out to you a fair few times now.

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Like I said, you clearly have a chip on your shoulder about it and wont stop - if he gave full returns, which you probably wouldnt understand you just wanmt more details, and more and more - just because you have a problem with someone who manages to earn more money than you.


Sorry you've got it wrong. And quit with the personal attacks.


There are more questions to be asked and they should they be asked. Why would you not want them to be asked?


Cameron spent all week avoiding questions and changed his story 5 times. Now it seems he can't even produce his real tax returns. Why?

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The Gini coefficient for the UK is falling Anna, meaning we are becoming more equal as has been pointed out to you a fair few times now.



10 Countries With The Worst Income Inequality. 02.03.14


The UK was ranked 7th worst in 2014


The United Kingdom’s Gini coefficient is the highest it has been in the last 30 years. In fact, the bottom 10% of the population hasn’t seen a rise in income at all in the last decade. That means, of course, that when adjusted for inflation the poorest 10% in Britain are at a much lower income now than they were ten years ago. The richest Brits now control 31% of the income, with the poorest 10% claiming just over 1% of the country’s wealth.


I was reading that the Gini coefficient is a very crude way of measuring inequality?



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Now it seems he can't even produce his real tax returns. Why?


What exactly are you people looking for.


Jesus Christ how long is this witch hunt going to carry on for.


There were 11 million documents in that leak and they certainly weren't all related to the Cameron family. The media have just spent a week of mass hysteria and wholly unfounded PERSONAL attacks on Cameron, his deceased father and his family.


There has been less than a dribble of the same treatment for the thousands of other high profile leaders, politicians, celebrities and businessmen named in the papers.


So far every accusation thrown at Cameron has been completely unfounded. He has published his tax returns (which incidentally we are still waiting from Albert Steptoe).


NOTHING has been found to be illegal. NOTHING has been found that shows that DC failed to pay due taxes. NOTHING has been found to show that any of the monies he has received from the offshore funds or the recently disclosed gift was anything different to what any other wealthy individual would have access to.


That includes many of our own ordinary pension schemes and income trusts which are available to the masses just by walking into your local bank or stockbroker.


Now, I am not saying that there is some wholly moralistic aspect for which Cameron is not above criticism but for god sake. Lets get realistic. How many others in Parliament INCLUDING LABOUR have done the same.


If there is going to be a lynch mob then they need to direct towards ALL parties involved not just the tories.


Its absolutely disgusting treatment.


Quite frankly, Cameron has done more than enough showing his tax returns as it is. I would have told the media and Compo go shove their request where the sun doesn't shine.


Its personal financial information. What do you want, all his bank statements? His entire tax history from year of birth? All his credit card statements?


Where does this end. Once Cameron has been mauled to death its is just and equitable to start on every other MP. Then perhaps the Civil Servants, even the lowly clerks - after all, what they got to hide right?


How long before that trickles down to everyone else. Kiss privacy goodbye.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Like I said, you clearly have a chip on your shoulder about it and wont stop - if he gave full returns, which you probably wouldnt understand you just wanmt more details, and more and more - just because you have a problem with someone who manages to earn more money than you.


---------- Post added 10-04-2016 at 23:00 ----------



The Gini coefficient for the UK is falling Anna, meaning we are becoming more equal as has been pointed out to you a fair few times now.


'The Gini Co-efficient is a relative measure. It's interpretation is controversial.'


...And what El Cid said.

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Quite frankly, Cameron has done more than enough showing his tax returns as it is. I would have told the media and Compo go shove their request where the sun doesn't shine.



So I guess Cameron has no one that thinks he is doing the right thing; dont blame the media, blame Cameron.

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What exactly are you people looking for.


Jesus Christ how long is this witch hunt going to carry on for.


There were 11 million documents in that leak and they certainly weren't all related to the Cameron family. The media have just spent a week of mass hysteria and wholly unfounded PERSONAL attacks on Cameron, his deceased father and his family.


There has been less than a dribble of the same treatment for the thousands of other high profile leaders, politicians, celebrities and businessmen named in the papers.


So far every accusation thrown at Cameron has been completely unfounded. He has published his tax returns (which incidentally we are still waiting from Albert Steptoe).


NOTHING has been found to be illegal. NOTHING has been found that shows that DC failed to pay due taxes. NOTHING has been found to show that any of the monies he has received from the offshore funds or the recently disclosed gift was anything different to what any other wealthy individual would have access to.


That includes many of our own ordinary pension schemes and income trusts which are available to the masses just by walking into your local bank or stockbroker.


Now, I am not saying that there is some wholly moralistic aspect for which Cameron is not above criticism but for god sake. Lets get realistic. How many others in Parliament INCLUDING LABOUR have done the same.


If there is going to be a lynch mob then they need to direct towards ALL parties involved not just the tories.


Its absolutely disgusting treatment.


Quite frankly, Cameron has done more than enough showing his tax returns as it is. I would have told the media and Compo go shove their request where the sun doesn't shine.


Its personal financial information. What do you want, all his bank statements? His entire tax history from year of birth? All his credit card statements?


Where does this end. Once Cameron has been mauled to deal its is just and equitable to start on every other MPs. Then perhaps the Civil Servants, even the lowly clerks - after all, what they got to hide right?


How long before that trickles down to everyone else. Kiss privacy goodbye.


It wouldn't matter quite so much if this Tory government hadn't gone about theit Austerity measures with such alacrity, and with their well worn battle cry of 'we're all in this together.' Stripping even the disabled down to their very last penny.


Surely even you can see the hypocrisy.

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Sorry you've got it wrong. And quit with the personal attacks.


There are more questions to be asked and they should they be asked. Why would you not want them to be asked?


Cameron spent all week avoiding questions and changed his story 5 times. Now it seems he can't even produce his real tax returns. Why?


Really? Pot kettle black your constant theme this week has been a series of slurs on a mans personality with no facts to back it up.

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It wouldn't matter quite so much if this Tory government hadn't gone about Austerity measures with such alacrity, and with their well worn battle cry of 'we're all in this together,' stripping even the disabled down to their very last penny.


Surely even you can see the hypocrisy.


The cuts were necessary. The country was in debt. The previous government(s) had a massive overspend and it needed to be culled. SOME people and SOME departments deserved to have their money cut.


YES of course I can see the hypocrisy and if it was for being a hypocrite alone that Cameron was being attacked for I would be able to live with that.


However, its not is it. Its being unfoundedly accused of theft, fraud, tax evasion, acquiring laundered money and with plenty of personal insults to him, his wife and his dead family member just because he was born into a wealthy family and has money.


That is what is unnecessary. That is what needs to stop. Its pure envy and is being encouraged (even demanded) by the opposition party without any grounds.

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10 Countries With The Worst Income Inequality. 02.03.14


The UK was ranked 7th worst in 2014


The United Kingdom’s Gini coefficient is the highest it has been in the last 30 years. In fact, the bottom 10% of the population hasn’t seen a rise in income at all in the last decade. That means, of course, that when adjusted for inflation the poorest 10% in Britain are at a much lower income now than they were ten years ago. The richest Brits now control 31% of the income, with the poorest 10% claiming just over 1% of the country’s wealth.


I was reading that the Gini coefficient is a very crude way of measuring inequality?






Try an unbiased source.


The Gini coefficient has been falling for about the last six or seven years. Of course if you wound it back to say oooooh I dunno the 1600's it's certainly been falling a lot. If you go back to a carefully chosen point in time, like say when Labout drove all the wealth creators out of the country with a 98% supertax then yes it's been rising.


Like I say try looking for an unbiased source.

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