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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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What are you raising awareness of?


The only thing I see in your posts is anti-tory, which then you disguise when pulled up on it.




I think you just think like these other ones on here. I admit, I don't get your way of thinking.


When I see people (in my experience) moaning at these companies, but with this knowledge are moaning whilst on their Vodaphone playing facebook, I just can't help but tend to find these people in general quite confusing. You are in the same category. You see 'state' going wrong. I see 'stupid' people.


The state is in control, (well, yes, that's open to argument I admit...) They run things. They take little interest in what we think. (Don't kid yourself that putting a cross on a piece of paper amounts to democracy.) Therefore they have to take responsibility for the way things are, and at the moment they aren't good.


The 'stupid people' are the ones left in the mess they've created, trying to deal with the fallout.


I appreciate what you're saying about us having power en masse, but frankly that needs properly organising if it's to be effective, and is beyond the ability of most people.That doesn't make them stupid, just realistic. Crikey, when you see the slagging off that groups like Occupy and Anonymous get on here when they try to rally the people into action, you begin to understand why it's not going to happen. Everybody has to be singing from the same hymn sheet at least.


Governments on the other hand can rally the troops and make a difference, if they're 'on message' but they really don't care about the 'little man.' This is maybe why certain leaders who do care, like Jeremy Corbyn, are gaining support.

Edited by Anna B
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This really is truly bizarre: blaming him for his father's actions.


Ed Miliband's dad: the man who hated Britain


Remember that Ron? I'm pretty sure you will ;) remember how the Daily Mail went for the jugular with Ed Miliband, linking him to his dad's past.


I'm not saying you joined in but many Tory supporters on here had a field day with it. Cameron was happy to let it continue in the media.


Don't be surprised if Cameron gets similar treatment in return.

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Ed Miliband's dad: the man who hated Britain


Remember that Ron? I'm pretty sure you will ;) remember how the Daily Mail went for the jugular with Ed Miliband, linking him to his dad's past.


I'm not saying you joined in but many Tory supporters on here had a field day with it. Cameron was happy to let it continue in the media.


Don't be surprised if Cameron gets similar treatment in return.


I can tell you I did not join in. I can also assure you that I dislike the mail and most of its readership.

There is a huge difference between someone who arranges a few peoples tax affairs and someone who would destroy the fabric of our society by introducing communism.


---------- Post added 05-04-2016 at 07:36 ----------


I never knew the Tory party had so much support on SF:hihi:

Its a fair enough point that DC can't be held responsible for his fathers actions,but I would find it very hard to believe that DC knew nothing of his fathers actions.


So what if he did?

Did he follow in his father's footsteps? No.

Should he have dobbed his own father in? ??

When did his father die?

When did he come into (half) power?

When did he come into full power?


If DC has done something wrong, that's one thing. His daddy? Meh.

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just reading one report about this now and one statement this "The directors intend that the affairs of the Fund should be managed and conducted so that it does not become resident in the United Kingdom for United Kingdom taxation purposes." says it all for me :roll::roll:

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I can tell you I did not join in. I can also assure you that I dislike the mail and most of its readership.

There is a huge difference between someone who arranges a few peoples tax affairs and someone who would destroy the fabric of our society by introducing communism..


Actually, if you are arguing that a person can't be held to account for the actions of their parent then it doesn't matter what their parent did. No different for Miliband or Cameron.


I'm not condoning it either but if the Tories used that tactic before then they should expect the same back.

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This really is truly bizarre: blaming him for his father's actions.


Is this the big story of the day then? The fact that Cameron's father had perfectly legal overseas investments isn't exactly news or a secret. That information was in the public domain years ago. Gosh even the Guardian tried to make something out of it.




What has changed since those days is that David Cameron has changed the rules. What was perfectly legal is now frowned upon. So just what is the story here.

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Actually, if you are arguing that a person can't be held to account for the actions of their parent then it doesn't matter what their parent did. No different for Miliband or Cameron.


I'm not condoning it either but if the Tories used that tactic before then they should expect the same back.


So you think it is OK for someone to be held responsible for their father's legal activities?

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