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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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I am not sure it is legal if the board members are just sham members, which is the allegation.


Even if an investor did declare their income to HMRC and thus made it "legal" for themselves, the very fact they think its ok to use a fund which uses such tactics says a lot about their character.


I have accounts in the Bahamas and sit as a director on a company there. What does that say about my character then?


---------- Post added 05-04-2016 at 13:30 ----------


I don't think he does have exactly the same right because of the potential conflict of interest based on his power to push through legislation.


You are aware there is a register of Members Interests so they can declare things that are a conflict of interest....

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We should not be surprises that neoliberals in Westminster and Whitehall, together with their supporters in the press and indeed here on SheffieldForum are working very hard to distract, deny, minimise and otherwise dismiss the present scandalous tax revelations (for example, the headlines on the front page of today's issue of Murdoch's The Sun proclaims 'Cheryl quits X-Factor').


It is very important that we pay no attention to their tactics, and that we bear in mind that the direct implications of these outrageous tax avoidance arrangements in secrecy jurisdictions across the globe include devastating cuts to essential services right here in Sheffield.

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I can tell you I did not join in. I can also assure you that I dislike the mail and most of its readership.

There is a huge difference between someone who arranges a few peoples tax affairs and someone who would destroy the fabric of our society by introducing communism.


---------- Post added 05-04-2016 at 07:36 ----------



So what if he did? --- it would give DC zero credibility and trust when talking about this subject in the future.

Did he follow in his father's footsteps? No. --- I don't know,do you?

Should he have dobbed his own father in? ?? Yes he should,DC is not a plumber,he's the PM of GB.

When did his father die? 8/9/10

When did he come into (half) power? 2005?

When did he come into full power? 11/5/10


If DC has done something wrong, that's one thing. His daddy? Meh.


So what if he did?

Is that a serious question?

If he knew about it(which just to clarify,I am not saying he did),you would be happy that your Prime Minister who has been giving it large about stopping these kind of corruptions,knew full well that the money that he stands to inherit(possibly already inherited?)was earned illegitimately whilst the rest of us plebs have to pay our part in our fair system?

Lets be honest here,even if Cameron was directly implicated,you would probably still be by his side.

"we're all in it together" eh RonJeremy? :hihi:

Edited by SqueakyPete
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We should not be surprises that neoliberals in Westminster and Whitehall, together with their supporters in the press and indeed here on SheffieldForum are working very hard to distract, deny, minimise and otherwise dismiss the present scandalous tax revelations (for example, the headlines on the front page of today's issue of Murdoch's The Sun proclaims 'Cheryl quits X-Factor').



Whilst the headline of the Murdoch owned Times is about Cameron and the offshore fund!

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I have accounts in the Bahamas and sit as a director on a company there. What does that say about me then?


---------- Post added 05-04-2016 at 13:30 ----------



You are aware there is a register of Members Interests so they can declare things that are a conflict of interest....

Its says you have good reason to stick up for the Cameron's?:hihi:

Edited by SqueakyPete
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Whilst the headline of the Murdoch owned Times is about Cameron and the offshore fund!


Thanks for that point nightrider. Let's revise the statement so that we do not forget the actual point being made.


We should not be surprises that neoliberals in Westminster and Whitehall, together with their supporters in the press and indeed here on SheffieldForum are working very hard to distract, deny, minimise and otherwise dismiss the present scandalous tax revelations.


It is very important that we pay no attention to their tactics, and that we bear in mind that the direct implications of these outrageous tax avoidance arrangements in secrecy jurisdictions across the globe include devastating cuts to essential services right here in Sheffield.

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Thanks for that point nightrider. Let's revise the statement so that we do not forget the actual point being made.


We should not be surprises that neoliberals in Westminster and Whitehall, together with their supporters in the press and indeed here on SheffieldForum are working very hard to distract, deny, minimise and otherwise dismiss the present scandalous tax revelations.


It is very important that we pay no attention to their tactics, and that we bear in mind that the direct implications of these outrageous tax avoidance arrangements in secrecy jurisdictions across the globe include devastating cuts to essential services right here in Sheffield.

Great approach to debating, that.


In fact, it's working so well for the said multiculturalism-pushing neoliberals, that the political harder and far right is now consistently and steadfastly rocketing up throughout the EU and getting ever more access to real political power, and approaching non-reversible levels :|


God forbid you discover objectivity and maybe learn some useful socio-economic information to help you partake and influence debate.


By all means continue, Comrade Staunton. On with the class war you go :roll:

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Its says you have good reason to stick up for the Cameron's?:hihi:


Whereas you comments say you shouldn't be trusted with any financial instrument more complicated than a promissory note.


Now if you've nothing to add, run along, mummy is waiting for you.

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Great approach to debating, that.


In fact, it's working so well for the said multiculturalism-pushing neoliberals, that the political harder and far right is now consistently and steadfastly rocketing up throughout the EU and getting ever more access to real political power, and approaching non-reversible levels :|


God forbid you discover objectivity and maybe learn some useful socio-economic information to help you partake and influence debate.


By all means continue, Comrade Staunton. On with the class war you go :roll:


Speaking of comrades, I found the first paragraph a little disturbing. Close loopholes? Yes please. Globally? Of course it needs to be a global effort. Take "direct rule" over British over seas territories? Steady on jezza!



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