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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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Will we?


People will ask about it, and they wont be satisfied with the answers, so they will ask more, and then they wont be satisfied with that... essentially some people are so convinced there is something goin on they are never satisfied...


So no, I don't agree. Cameron has (or should have) registered what he knew on the Members Interests list, and that is that.


Yes, quite simply if Cameron answers as few straightforward questions we will know whether he has fully declared everything he should have.


Your reasons for not bothering to ask defy all logic. If he has missed something he wouldn't be the first would he.


---------- Post added 05-04-2016 at 14:57 ----------


why do you need to apologise for something thats perfectly legal


We covered this on the first few pages. Not going through it again.

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Yes, quite simply if Cameron answers as few straightforward questions we will know whether he has fully declared everything he should have.


Your reasons for not bothering to ask defy all logic. If he has missed something he wouldn't be the first would he.


Actually Cameron said this morning he has no investments in the fund. As he fills in a UK tax return the same as the rest of us, he is required to declare that his tax affairs are as stated on that return. It would therefore seem he has made the very declaration you were asking for.

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Strangely enough I don't need someone to ask me if I've missed something on my taxes. I suspect you don't. Nor do most people.


So I'm amazed you think that Cameron, whos isn't exactly stupid would need someone to ask him. That's what defys logic.


Either he is or isn't dodging tax. If he is, we are not going to find out by asking him questions. That's a distraction that we don't need.


There is a big pile of ducuments to look at. Whilst you may find a lot of legitimate avoidance, and perhaps a small amount of evasion, what you are going to most find in there is money laundering. That's the really interesting part - the Brinks Mat gold has already surfaced.


But this is of course SF where anything that remotely looks like political pointscoring will be fought over endlessly. Especially when the usual suspects think they can use it to take down a Tory. Shame that they never place such a microscopic gaze on the left.


---------- Post added 05-04-2016 at 15:00 ----------


Actually Cameron said this morning he has no investments in the fund. As he fills in a UK tax return the same as the rest of us, he is required to declare that his tax affairs are as stated on that return. It would therefore seem he has made the very declaration you were asking for.


No no no no no... he has to write it in his own blood and nail it to the church door before the masses on here at satisfied.


Sending it to HMRC what a quaint concept you have. That's only for us proles.

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No no no no no... he has to write it in his own blood and nail it to the church door before the masses on here at satisfied.


Sending it to HMRC what a quaint concept you have. That's only for us proles.

I'll post it in red then.






PM Cameron says he does not own any shares, offshore funds


PM Cameron says he does not own any shares, offshore funds


"I own no shares. I have a salary as prime minister, and I have some savings, which I get some interest from, and I have a house," he said at a question and answer session while campaigning to keep Britain in the European Union.


"I have no shares, no offshore trusts, no offshore funds, nothing like that."




So where do you think Tony Blair got hold of his millions?




Revealed: Tony Blair worth a staggering £60m

Exclusive: Tony Blair’s fortune now stands at three times the amount he has previously claimed, at some £60 million – which includes 10 homes

Edited by foxy lady
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I'll post it in red then.






PM Cameron says he does not own any shares, offshore funds


PM Cameron says he does not own any shares, offshore funds


"I own no shares. I have a salary as prime minister, and I have some savings, which I get some interest from, and I have a house," he said at a question and answer session while campaigning to keep Britain in the European Union.


"I have no shares, no offshore trusts, no offshore funds, nothing like that."




So where do you think Tony Blair got hold of his millions?




Revealed: Tony Blair worth a staggering £60m

Exclusive: Tony Blair’s fortune now stands at three times the amount he has previously claimed, at some £60 million – which includes 10 homes


Cameron was also asked:


" Can you clarify that you and your family have not received a benefit from Blairmore Holdings fund?"


The reply did not answer this question.


Yes it certainly is interesting to know where Blair gets his money, I don't think anything much is hidden there anymore though. What I have seen in the public domain about this.does not paint a good picture of Blair.

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Cameron was also asked:


" Can you clarify that you and your family have not received a benefit from Blairmore Holdings fund?"


The reply did not answer this question.


Yes it certainly is interesting to know where Blair gets his money, I don't think anything much is hidden there anymore though. What I have seen in the public domain about this.does not paint a good picture of Blair.


You've lost me with the question about family tax arrangements. I for one have no idea about my relatives tax arrangements. Would you expect to answer questions about the tax arrangements of your relatives?

Should we ask Ed Balls what his brother Andrew did in order to get a £5.4 million bonus off PIMCO holdings? I think they are something to do with bond trading.


Perhaps ask Sarah Blair about Tony's dealings although I'm not sure she doesn't live in South Australia.

Edited by foxy lady
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You should know if YOU have benefited from the tax arrangements of your immediate family shouldn't you?


Not really the same as knowing whether your immediate family benefitted from their arrangements though is it?

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I'm kind of satisfied with Cameron's answer for now. There is unlikely to be anything untruthful in the narrow answers he gave.


Obviously if some kind of 'event' history related to the fund became available and was correlated with his statements and actions on offshore trusts while leader of the Tory party that would be good. I don't expect that info is going to be dished up on a plate, and Cameron is never going to volunteer it so we'll wait over the next few weeks to see if a Blair-style expose is put together, maybe by Private Eye (who will already be digging through the data) or similar.

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