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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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don't put anyone on ignore (like to see the bs they come out with)still waiting for my apology thou :hihi:


I'm still waiting for an explanation from foxy lady about what he/she thinks I'm hiding in my tax affairs.

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A tax allowance isn't an avoidance measure and anyone who pretends it is is a liar who is just trying to justify the wholescale tax avoidance the wealthy who can afford complex tax arrangements undertake.


Neither is an ISA a example of tax avoidance.....as I have demonstrated time and time again, but still the apologists for tax avoidance claim it is, just so they can attempt to make out that everybody "avoids tax", not just their mates in Panama.


But the point is you only can claim that because you decided to redefine what you mean by "avoidance"


Tax avoidance is any legal means that results in you paying less tax. Like an ISA rather than a regular saving account. Like a pension. They then may get used in strange ways that were never intended like using an ISA backed mortgage that wasnt in the initial spirit of the regulations. Nontheless they are still legal, because the law lets you avoid tax in that way.

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But you do take advantage of your allowances. You don't pay tax on the first (probably) £10600 of your earnings. You avoid paying tax on this amount. And your employer collects what tax you do pay on behalf of the government.

You tax dodger, you.


But Ron, you know and I know there are people in this country on 7 figure incomes who will pay less tax than their cleaner. That's no way to run a world.

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I'll bet there are not as many as you think. It's just another convenient fiction stirred up by people, like the fact there are hordes of lazy dole bludgers when we all know there are a few but no where near as many as the Mail would have you think.

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But the point is you only can claim that because you decided to redefine what you mean by "avoidance"


Tax avoidance is any legal means that results in you paying less tax. Like an ISA rather than a regular saving account. Like a pension. They then may get used in strange ways that were never intended like using an ISA backed mortgage that wasnt in the initial spirit of the regulations. Nontheless they are still legal, because the law lets you avoid tax in that way.


Are you sure that is what is meant by avoiding tax. I think it comes down to liability. If you don't have to pay tax on something you are exempt from it. If you are not exempt from it and are liable but avoid that liability then that is avoidance; you are avoiding your liability. That is why paying, but less than the amount you are liable for (e.g. Google) is still avoidance.

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But the point is you only can claim that because you decided to redefine what you mean by "avoidance"


Tax avoidance is any legal means that results in you paying less tax. Like an ISA rather than a regular saving account. Like a pension. They then may get used in strange ways that were never intended like using an ISA backed mortgage that wasnt in the initial spirit of the regulations. Nontheless they are still legal, because the law lets you avoid tax in that way.


No that's evasion.


No, I think you are wrong. The Corporation Tax rate in the UK was 20% on profits. Google paid 3%, legally.

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