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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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Corbyn now wants anyone with any such accounts/companies etc to have all their tax affairs investigated. Is he going to pay my accountants fees then to present that? He's a populist reactionary muppet. But that's the problem - the well is already poisoned.
He's a socialist, the likes of which French people suffered for 14 years with Mitterrand and friends, and turned French taxpayers into tax avoidance (and evasion) world champions at the time, miring France in the socio-economic backwaters from which it has never fully emerged since.


They're one of the fundamental reasons why I, and a few millions more French persons, are taxpayers -many of whom at high rates- outside France and thus why France's national economy and budget are severely missing out, likely forever and more so far as we're concerned.


Anyone who wants him in No.10 is welcome to him. Just so long as they don't go crying in their porridge afterwards and face the full consequences of their choice...because they have been warned.

If I was a director of MF who "let" this lot out into the wild I'd be hiring some really rather good thugs to keep me safe at night as theres a lot of people going to be wanting to have a word....
MF claims that this was a hack in, not a leak out.


I did say that this looked like an intel job, so if MF is right, it could vindicate it (unless it was hacktivists à la Anonymous...but surely they'd have claimed it by now?).

Edited by L00b
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I did say that this looked like an intel job, so if MF is right, it could vindicate it (unless it was hacktivists à la Anonymous...but surely they'd have claimed it by now?).


It is certainly an attack on an email server that led to the leak - it wasn't an internal job. That much is known from the stuff that was removed. What's surprising is how long they had access for and the amount they got - and that the company even though sending this stuff over the wire was a good idea...

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Probate records show that David Camerons father, Ian Cameron, 77, a retired stockbroker, who died in September 2010 during a holiday in France, left an estate worth £2.7 million.


David Cameron was been left a tax-free bequest of £300,000 by his father.


I would be surprised if all Cameron was left was £300,000; he has 3 other siblings, so what about the other £1.5 million, and more?




Well it's not exactly rocket science. As with most estates the main value was tied up in the family home which wasn't left to Davey Boy. So take out a stately pile, pay estate duties and £300,000 doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. Although it might be disappointing if you were trying to imply something that is crumbling around you.

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Well it's not exactly rocket science. As with most estates the main value was tied up in the family home which wasn't left to Davey Boy. So take out a stately pile, pay estate duties and £300,000 doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. Although it might be disappointing if you were trying to imply something that is crumbling around you.


Its quite easy for poorer people to avoid any death taxes by sorting things out years before your death, I would have thought most people would sort things out years before their death, not sure how difficult that would be if you have multi-millions.


---------- Post added 06-04-2016 at 11:43 ----------


Well it's not exactly rocket science. As with most estates the main value was tied up in the family home which wasn't left to Davey Boy.


He had funds in a tax haven, so you would think there would be much more than a family home.

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Its quite easy for poorer people to avoid any death taxes by sorting things out years before your death, I would have thought most people would sort things out years before their death, not sure how difficult that would be if you have multi-millions.




If your house hits the inheritance threshold, and it's not going to a spouse then it's very hard indeed to avoid tax. This is why a lot of houses these days are sold on death to outside the family purely to meet the IHT[1] dues, the increase in house prices being what they are.


You also have to be gifting money seven years before your death and if you suddenly die on holiday in France it's a good bet you didn't do that.


[1] Inheritance tax is in fact actually an estate tax, which is something that inordinately bugs me.

Edited by Obelix
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Its quite easy for poorer people to avoid any death taxes by sorting things out years before your death, I would have thought most people would sort things out years before their death, not sure how difficult that would be if you have multi-millions.


---------- Post added 06-04-2016 at 11:43 ----------



He had funds in a tax haven, so you would think there would be much more than a family home.


I suppose that's the problem with a will that goes to probate. It gets scrutinised by the probate officers before it is released for distribution. That's a real shame for the nit pickers who are trying to imply something. As the will went to probate around £1 million in inheritance tax would have been paid on it.

Of course there were legal offshore funds run by his father. Not that all the money belonged to him. The money in a fund belongs to the investors in that fund.

There is also something that you have clearly missed in your desperation to smear. David Cameron's mother is still alive. Still it was a nice try.

Edited by foxy lady
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If your house hits the inheritance threshold, and it's not going to a spouse then it's very hard indeed to avoid tax. This is why a lot of houses these days are sold on death to outside the family purely to meet the IHT[1] dues, the increase in house prices being what they are.



My father gave his family the proceeds from the sale of his house, when he moved into a flat.

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I'd like to see these rich tax dodgers hounded and investigated with the same level of dogged scrutiny as someone who makes a mistake on their tax return does.

Stop making excuses and pay your taxes like the rest of us do!

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There is also something that you have clearly missed in your desperation to smear. David Cameron's mother is still alive. Still it was a nice try.


This is just a discussion, not sure smear is the correct word, it should be used in the context of jam, peanut butter and newspapers.

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