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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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But the result is more is collected.

When you say they are parasites, some people pay so much in tax that they feel they have paid MUCH MUCH more than their fair share and look for ways of reducing their tax burden. It's not like genuine parasites that live off others, without contributing anything.

you having a giraffe again ron these parasites live off the rest of us taxpaying workers. I care not what anyone in this country earns as long as they don't pay less tax than their cleaner. you toytown tories think your up there with them yet when it boils down to it they care nothing about you :loopy: take them blinkers off mate :D

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The Nazi's didn't just gas their own Jews you know... and even if they did it was still a crime against humanity as determined in (I think) the second Hague convention. Also the Geneva protocol to the Hague forbade the use of chemical weapons regardless of the targets.


Who said anything about gassing?

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you having a giraffe again ron these parasites live off the rest of us taxpaying workers. I care not what anyone in this country earns as long as they don't pay less tax than their cleaner. you toytown tories think your up there with them yet when it boils down to it they care nothing about you :loopy: take them blinkers off mate :D


How much tax does a person making £1million and using this scheme pay?

I'll tell you how much a cleaner typically pays. Less than nothing.

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How much tax does a person making £1million and using this scheme pay?

I'll tell you how much a cleaner typically pays. Less than nothing.

hows about the same %rate as someone on paye . put it this way if I was on 1 million a year and I was getting taxed a third? id be more than happy. some people thou want it all funny that eh :D btw facebook paid 4 grand tax I bet your happy about that thou aint ya :o

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hows about the same %rate as someone on paye . put it this way if I was on 1 million a year and I was getting taxed a third? id be more than happy. some people thou want it all funny that eh :D btw facebook paid 4 grand tax I bet your happy about that thou aint ya :o


So when you say "the same" you mean the same percentage. I wish you'd be clear.

Are we not talking about the cleaner any more?

Or have we moved on to corporation tax rather than personal tax? When did that happen?

Could you try making your original point again and let's see if it doesn't fall apart after 10 seconds this time?

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I care not what anyone in this country earns as long as they don't pay less tax than their cleaner.


They could be paying less tax or not much more than a cleaner, and with the blessing of the government(s). Many have invested, since their inception, the maximum amount into PEPs/ISAs and if they've chosen the right stock/unit trusts they will be millionaires, with all the gains and income tax free!

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but even when that level was reduced to an acceptable level these parasites still try and get away with not paying it :suspect:


Aww diddums. Ever wondered why people try not to pay tax? Heard of something called the Laffer curve? And if that's not enough I'd try and avoid as much as possible just to wind you up me old mucker if that's your attitude.


Guess why Lamont dropped the top rate of tax and managed to collect more tax than before...


Excessive tax is utterly counterproductive. Similarly low levels of tax are a bit pointless as well.


---------- Post added 07-04-2016 at 13:37 ----------


Who said anything about gassing?




You did when you started talking about Nazi war criminals. That was one of the war crimes.

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But the result is more is collected.

When you say they are parasites, some people pay so much in tax that they feel they have paid MUCH MUCH more than their fair share and look for ways of reducing their tax burden. It's not like genuine parasites that live off others, without contributing anything.


Unfortunately, the more you earn, the more you are supposed to pay in tax. Avoiding this, legally or not, is exactly the same as someone living off the state and contributing nothing.


---------- Post added 07-04-2016 at 13:52 ----------


How much tax does a person making £1million and using this scheme pay?

I'll tell you how much a cleaner typically pays. Less than nothing.


How much does a cleaner earn in comparison to someone who earns 1 million a year?

The cleaner is probably one of the millionaires employees that he refuses to pay a living wage to, therefore the state has to subsidise the cleaners income so he/she can afford a roof over their head!

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Why are you lot so keen to give the government money? Personally I think the less you give them the better. Overseas Aid to countries with space programs, ever increasing bail outs to inefficient public services. They cant spend your money fast enough.


Today I was at the Retail World Parkgate, walked past one of the coffee shop, couldn't get a table, full of Rumanians. Obviously none of them working, so must be drawing the dole, your tax contributions are paying for them. Stop being gullible, keep your money for yourself and your family. Pay as little as you have to.

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Unfortunately, the more you earn, the more you are supposed to pay in tax. Avoiding this, legally or not, is exactly the same as someone living off the state and contributing nothing.


No it isn't. These people are paying their way. They're just refusing to pay for quite as many other people as we'd like.


Your phrasing implies that you have a problem with people who live off the state. I think that's a bit strong and in honesty I doubt you meant it that way.


In my view, if somebody is unable to pay their own way, that's fair enough. Some, despite their best efforts, find themselves in this position. I have no problem with them and they're not doing anything wrong.


Some could pay their own way, or at least contribute more and choose not to. They're the worst of us in this matter. Somebody who makes arrangements to pay for themselves and 20 other people rather than themselves and 25 other people, okay they could do better but they're not in the same league as flat out scroungers.

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