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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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It's a horrible tangled mess. Somebody quite right said on the radio news tonight that Labour need to tone things down a bit. They have many, many skeletons in the closet too. It all just looks so corrupt.


This really isn't about which party is worst now. It's about cleaning things up in politics.


For once, I agree with you. Whilst I come from the viewpoint that if people can legally reduce their taxes they will do so, it's ridiculous for politicians of all parties to say that tax avoidance is wrong yet be guilty of doing it or profiting from it themselves.

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It's a horrible tangled mess. Somebody quite right said on the radio news tonight that Labour need to tone things down a bit. They have many, many skeletons in the closet too. It all just looks so corrupt.


This really isn't about which party is worst now. It's about cleaning things up in politics.


So what do you make of Corbyn's threat to impose British rule over the Crown dependencies?


---------- Post added 09-04-2016 at 00:03 ----------


For once, I agree with you. Whilst I come from the viewpoint that if people can legally reduce their taxes they will do so, it's ridiculous for politicians of all parties to say that tax avoidance is wrong yet be guilty of doing it or profiting from it themselves.


It happens in the best of circles..




The former head of parliament's public accounts committee - and a fierce critic of tax avoidance and "secretive" offshore funds - has received more than £1.5m in shares from the tax haven of Liechtenstein, according to a report.


The money came through a controversial scheme that lets wealthy Britons move undeclared assets back to the UK without facing criminal action.


Labour's Margaret Hodge was, according to The Times, among the beneficiaries in 2011 of the winding-up of a Liechtenstein trust that held shares in the private steel-trading business set up by her father.


The Times reports that just under 96,000 Stemcor shares handed to Hodge in 2011 came from the tiny principality, which is renowned for low tax rates. Three quarters of the shares in the family's Liechtenstein trust had previously been held in Panama, which Ms Hodge described last month as "one of the most secretive jurisdictions" with "the least protection anywhere in the world against money laundering".

Edited by foxy lady
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For once, I agree with you. Whilst I come from the viewpoint that if people can legally reduce their taxes they will do so, it's ridiculous for politicians of all parties to say that tax avoidance is wrong yet be guilty of doing it or profiting from it themselves.


I agree.


But just like the whole expenses saga, the mud slinging and attacks have to stop and stop right now.


Fact is NOBODY from either side of the house is morally (albeit legally) clean. Its well known that there will be plenty of labour MPs, Liberal MPs and independents who would do or have done exactly the same.


The personal nature of this saga is getting quite on my wick. Moron Livingstone for example. He actually was so cocksure that he was prepared to embarrass himself by going on TV and saying the PM should face jail.


For what exactly Ken?? Does the moron not understand how criminal prosecution and sentencing works.


As for the Pilsbury Doughboy Watson. Tick tock tick tock. Checked your own records for any misdemeanours?


Then of course there is the union puppet Albert Steptoe. Yes, unions who use their "charitable" status to avoid corporation tax despite making big profits on their investments.


The focus is on changing the law. They ALL need to be focused on that.


However, even before any of that happens. They ALL need to be focused on the little matter of a life changing referendum we have coming up in less than 2 months.


Enough already.


These idiots demanding that Cameron to resign might soon be crying when they see who is likely to replace him. Its not gonna be Saint Corbyn that's for sure.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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The personal nature of this saga is getting quite on my wick. Moron Livingstone for example. He actually was so cocksure that he was prepared to embarrass himself by going on TV and saying the PM should face jail.


Red Ken and his tax avoidance:




As for the Pilsbury Doughboy Watson. Tick tock tick tock. Checked your own records for any misdemeanours?


As pointed on another thread, Watson accepted £40k in donations from Max Mosley, infamous tax dodger, to support his Deputy Leadership bid.

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Fact is NOBODY from either side of the house is morally (albeit legally) clean. Its well known that there will be plenty of labour MPs, Liberal MPs and independents who would do or have done exactly the same.


The personal nature of this saga is getting quite on my wick.


You are forgetting the past of the Tory party, it was founded by toffs and the elite.

The only non-millionaire cabinet member in the last parliament was Vince Cable, Corbny is almost a porper, compared to some Tory millionaires.

Even you are out of touch with how those on the left think, your mates in the Tory party are even worse ;)

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You are forgetting the past of the Tory party, it was founded by toffs and the elite.

The only non-millionaire cabinet member in the last parliament was Vince Cable, Corbny is almost a porper, compared to some Tory millionaires.

Even you are out of touch with how those on the left think, your mates in the Tory party are even worse ;)


There's just as much dirt on past Labour folk if you want to play that game.

I'm quite content to have leaders who are "out of touch with .., the left ...". That's what I get for my guys winning the election after your guys all but bankrupted the state.

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he doesnt need to do anything, he just needs to sit back and watch calamity Cameron whilst he eats his popcorn :hihi:


Trouble is, no politician can resist making comments when they should keep mouth shut and meddling when they shouldn't meddle, and I mean either main party. I must say that I do think Cameron has dug himself in to a bit of a hole by trying to play things down. He should have just said. Yes, we have benefited from it in the past. All legal, so what? End of story.

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