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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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There is nothing wrong with paying anyone in cash. It is up to the recipient how and where they declare it. The person paying has no culpability at all.


Do people pay their window cleaner with cheques or by standing order?


We pays ours by cheque. They put a card through the door when they've been and every few cleans we post a cheque to them

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Fair enough. Cant argue with that.


When will you be publishing details for your income, expenditure, all your passwords, all your bank account details, your statements, copy wage slips and your receipts for the past 6 months please.


I mean, you got nothing to hide so what's the problem.


Obviously what you're suggesting would make anyone the victim of a theft almost immediately.

Why should passwords be published? What has that got to do with publishing tax details?


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 08:36 ----------


Look it's a good thing. These prick lawyers and accountants trying to rip us off had a free ride for a long time. I pay my taxes, I expect every other guy to, so screw these tax dodging monkeys and their leech lawyers and accountants.


I'd debar every lawyer and accountant that had a client found guilty of tax evaision, they are almost worse than the tax avoiders.


You pay PAYE, which in your mind presumably makes it really easy to assess and pay "your taxes".

If your affairs are more complicated then you need an accountant and depending on how you structure things the tax bill varies.

It makes absolute sense to structure things (legally) to minimise the tax bill. Who would pay extra tax just for the sake of it?


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 08:37 ----------




Household income 2015/16 was £73k

PAYE & NI: £19k

Savings & Investments: ISAs, shares, savings account


I've got nothing to hide. Now you.........


Waiting for ECCOnoob to reciprocate now!

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Seems some of you are desperate for me to say that taking advantage of tax loopholes is a good thing, and we should all be doing it. You are almost rubbing your hands in glee.. get back, wielders of pitchforks and wearers of sandals.


As far as I'm concerned the loopholes should be closed and the system simplified. What I do think is a good thing is that you can defend yourself in a court of law if HMRC thinks you are doing something you shouldn't be, even when the law states you can.

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As for the plumber accepting cash in hand, thats clearly evasion though and I dont think anyone was condoning that at all.


Not at all, cash can be spent immediately, say in the market, supermarket or in the bingo hall; in addition he or she might not have a card reader or the customer a cheque book.

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Cameron's father had an overseas account, 15 other Tories implicated one way or another as well...




For what it's worth I have companies registered for me by Mossack Fonseca in the Bahamas. That doesn't mean they are illegal, and since Cameron Snr was a stockbroker there are many good reasons he would have had shell companies, simply because in many cases that's the only sensible way to conduct business while limiting the risk to yourself.


---------- Post added 04-04-2016 at 10:26 ----------


Not at all, cash can be spent immediately, say in the market, supermarket or in the bingo hall; in addition he or she might not have a card reader or the customer a cheque book.


True, I should have qualified that by saying the case where the tradesman discounts heavily a large bill for you paying in cash - that's when there is going to be evasion mainly of VAT.

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Cameron's father had an overseas account, 15 other Tories implicated one way or another as well...
Unless a country has legislation forbidding its nationals form having overseas accounts (I'm well aware that certain EU countries at least used to have such legislation, if they don't still), I'm singularly nonplussed by the "revelation" that people have overseas accounts.


I've had accounts in several countries for decades. I guess there's a few millions more people like me with overseas accounts here, there and everywhere in these days of insta-communicate and insta-hop anywhere.


Big wow indeed :|


...but still, holding a few buckets of popcorns at the ready, this is likely going to be way more fun that then the Crédit Suisse one :twisted:

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Household income 2015/16 was £73k

PAYE & NI: £19k

Savings & Investments: ISAs, shares, savings account


I've got nothing to hide. Now you.........


It's not quite the same since you haven't printed your name and address also (not that I am in anyway suggesting you should)

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Unless a country has legislation forbidding its nationals form having overseas accounts (I'm well aware that certain EU countries at least used to have such legislation, if they don't still), I'm singularly nonplussed by the "revelation" that people have overseas accounts.


I still can't help but remember a local party eminence, who in a bit of pub snug debate decried all holders of overseas accounts to be "evil" and draining the country of revenue.


I quietly reminded him that evening that I'd advised him on a Landsbanki Icesave ISA, and that was assuredly an overseas account...:) People just don't realise where money is.. although he found out "where" when I called him one night advising him to withdraw the capital immediately and stuff the interest....

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It's a perfectly reasonable point to make though. Many people on here like to demonise tax avoidance out of spite or jealousy that they dont earn as much as those people. The green eyed monster does tend to make people spit bile.


As for the plumber accepting cash in hand, thats clearly evasion though and I dont think anyone was condoning that at all.


Paying for things using legal tender is not "clearly evasion". It's entirely reasonable for businesses to take payment in cash.

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