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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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10 Countries With The Worst Income Inequality. 02.03.14


The UK was ranked 7th worst in 2014


The United Kingdom’s Gini coefficient is the highest it has been in the last 30 years. In fact, the bottom 10% of the population hasn’t seen a rise in income at all in the last decade. That means, of course, that when adjusted for inflation the poorest 10% in Britain are at a much lower income now than they were ten years ago. The richest Brits now control 31% of the income, with the poorest 10% claiming just over 1% of the country’s wealth.


I was reading that the Gini coefficient is a very crude way of measuring inequality?




This is a great link - really cheered up my monday morning. The next "top ten" list on the clickbait site was "10 Celebrities Who Rarely Wear Bras".

I studied that a lot more carefully :hihi:

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He's lost the trust of the public. He has to go, simple as that!
No that's not enough, he needs to suffer! Bring back the stocks the tar and the feathers :rant:


Maybe he's a witch as well? Lets drown him and see if he floats the nasty bullingdon club NHS selling tax dodging slimy disabled robbing Tory Toff. BURN HIM!! BURN HIM!!!



*edit. And he likes Fatcher the evil cow!!!

Edited by Jonny5
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Slurs, no. Asking questions, yes.


Real tax returns please.


No it's been a non stop series of personal attacks from you, as ever laced with rich, and wealthy, and so forth because you cannot bear to consider the fact that someone makes more money than you.


Well they do. Deal with it.

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No it's been a non stop series of personal attacks from you, as ever laced with rich, and wealthy, and so forth because you cannot bear to consider the fact that someone makes more money than you.


Well they do. Deal with it.


Last polite request to cease personal attacks

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Last polite request to cease personal attacks


I don't consider the above to be a polite request.


But if you think you can somehow derail the thread by claiming I'm being mean to you then go ahead. I'm stating the opinion I formed, through observation of your conduct. If you don't like that then I suggest you change conduct.


Now, shall we debate the documents? That was the reason I posted this thread up before you and the other usual suspect dragged it off into a sideline about someones tax returns.

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“PART of the art of politics is crisis management: making embarrassments and other disadvantageous stories go away. But over the past week, David Cameron—whose antennae often seem as sharp as the best of them—has somehow managed to do the opposite. He has turned a pedestrian story about his personal finances into a rolling scandal "(The Economist. 10th April ) .


According to the Economist , DC, has brought the attention on himself.




As the link you post contained a popular news item ,and the Panama Papers revealed newsworthy items . Amongst the newsworthy material was Ian Cameron’s financial activities. Considering , the SF is an area for discussion on all kinds of affairs- the thread was bound to draw in comments on the news media attention to the management of financial affairs by DC and IC.



“ The Panama Papers leak revealed that the prime minister’s late father, Ian, had something called a Unit Trust Fund " (The Economist, 10th April).

There is nothing illegal in having a trust fund.


What the Panama Papers reveal, and the media attention, is the depth and breadth of aggressive tax avoidance .


"The biggest scandal in the Panama Papers leak, which revealed that political leaders around the world were hiding money in offshore accounts, isn't about corruption or organized crime.

The 11.5 million files stolen from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca revealed just how unequal the world is.

The economist Gabriel Zucman estimated in his 2015 book, The Hidden Wealth of Nations, that worldwide more than $7.5 trillion is squirreled away in offshore tax havens — 8 percent of the world's financial wealth. While some of it is properly declared to world governments, about 80 percent, or $6 trillion, is never taxed at all.

Zucman, an assistant professor of economics at the University of California Berkeley, argues that this tax avoidance worsens the vast global gap in wealth and income between the rich and the poor. Hiding vast sums of wealth from taxation makes it easier for the rich to stay rich and avoid tax policies meant to help the poor." (Vox. Policy and Politics ).


The scandal, will grow and grow. And hopefully ,in time, we will have a grasp of what the social impact of aggressive tax avoidance and evasion really is.

Edited by petemcewan
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No it's been a non stop series of personal attacks from you, as ever laced with rich, and wealthy, and so forth because you cannot bear to consider the fact that someone makes more money than you.


Well they do. Deal with it.


It is odd he hasn't mentioned Corbyn still hasn't published his tax returns. What has Corbyn got to hide and why aren't the trots saying something about it?

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