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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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No that's not enough, he needs to suffer! Bring back the stocks the tar and the feathers :rant:


Maybe he's a witch as well? Lets drown him and see if he floats the nasty bullingdon club NHS selling tax dodging slimy disabled robbing Tory Toff. BURN HIM!! BURN HIM!!!



*edit. And he likes Fatcher the evil cow!!!


And in the meantime Simon Danczuk MP who was suspended from the Labour Party for sexting teenage girls has now been forced to pay back £11,500 of wrongfully claimed expences, including the cost of parking whilst on holiday in Spain. It all seems to have slipped under the radar in folks haste to try to point a finger at folk who haven't done anything wrong.


---------- Post added 11-04-2016 at 16:26 ----------


I think he just has


I just spotted it. He was fined £100 for late payment of his due taxes. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

Edited by foxy lady
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He seems to be the only one who has actually broken the law. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


The fine is the clue.


I don't actually care. It's personal to him. Unless he has evaded tax, then it's important.

Pleased he's paid an extra £100 for being a muppet.

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I don't consider the above to be a polite request.


But if you think you can somehow derail the thread by claiming I'm being mean to you then go ahead. I'm stating the opinion I formed, through observation of your conduct. If you don't like that then I suggest you change conduct.


Now, shall we debate the documents? That was the reason I posted this thread up before you and the other usual suspect dragged it off into a sideline about someones tax returns.


I'm interested in the Panama documents and the conduct of our politicians. I have made no personal attacks either.


You're just trying to bully me out of talking about Cameron and his ministers. Sorry, not going to work.


---------- Post added 11-04-2016 at 17:53 ----------


It is odd he hasn't mentioned Corbyn still hasn't published his tax returns. What has Corbyn got to hide and why aren't the trots saying something about it?


What is a trot?


Still waiting for you to tell me what you think I am hiding in my tax affairs.

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I'm interested in the Panama documents and the conduct of our politicians. I have made no personal attacks either.


You're just trying to bully me out of talking about Cameron and his ministers. Sorry, not going to work.


---------- Post added 11-04-2016 at 17:53 ----------



What is a trot?


Still waiting for you to tell me what you think I am hiding in my tax affairs.

Somewhere between a walk and a canter.


Or failing that a ****skyite

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WHat do you call "Real " tax returns. ?


Everyones delcares their tax returns are real when we send them in .


Simple, copies of official HMRC documents. Not accounting synopses knocked together in Excel.

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I never claimed the amount of wealth in the world has fixed. Don't be so daft. Next.


I'd take a look back through the thread as I recall you've called people daft, and then accused them of trolling. Sounds personal by your standards.


I note also - as expected - that you were not satisfied with Cameron's return. What a surprise.

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