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Eleven million tax avoiding documents..

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Same here, even my partner doesn't know exactly what I earn. It's private and should remain so whether you have anything to hide or not.


That's a slightly odd view to hold. I'd say if we had a more open salary position then there would be less inequal pay or more people kicking off at higher earners who do little to really earn their money. (People like me who simply get paid relatively highly because of *rare* skills).


It has to be an all or nothing thing though. If I disclose and others don't then I'm at a disadvantage so it would need to a law to force publication, which will never happen for good reasons, so we are back to where we started :D


Not sharing my income with my partner though? That's just a bit weird. How do you apply for mortgages? Or loans? Or anything financial at all? We have a joint account so I can't hide a penny! :help:


EDIT: Sorry Danny_Boy just seen your follow up so nothing I have posted is relevant :D

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Back on topic.


What this demonstrates, for the first time really, is the presence of a cabal that potentially links a lot of people together. Why did all these powerful figures use this particular law-firm? The services they provided aren't exactly complicated - there is a big factor missing and that factor is what binds all the customers.


Excuse me just one moment but you need to be very careful. I have works carried out for me by MF, and I'm fairly certain that you don't want to be lumping me in with tax evasion now do you? Most (in actuality I suspect almost every single one) of the clients are going to be entirely legal and you do a disservice by lumping them in with Putin et al...

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Tax evasion is being done by nearly everyone and it frustrates me I've got to admit. Mates down the pub stating with pride that they saved themselves a few hundred on some building works by paying cash...ARGH!!! I actually called him out on it and pointed out that that is money he is taking away from his own kid's school etc. I know it sounds like a holier than thou position to take, but I have turned down any workman who asks for cash *nudge nudge, wink wink love* in favour of one who accepts bank transfers into a named business account and they have no way of hiding the payment, even if I have to pay more for the work before adding VAT on. Clearly this only applies to VAT registered workmen, but I ALWAYS ask as it royally narks me.


The people on the lists leaked so far appear to have broken no laws, but it casts huge shadows over their morals and I would expect any businesses linked to them to suffer at least some reduction in sales. This is the issue, I can condemn them all I want but it's meaningless until some of the tax laws change worldwide. Most of these people are no different in legal terms to someone who uses an ISA, it's just a different scale because they have so much money, you really wonder why on earth that £97th million is so valuable to them that they wouldn't just pay tax on it. Greed, screwed morality and because it's no longer seen as money to buy things with, it's seen as a league table of value.

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Let's be clear, this isn't about tax evasion or avoiding, this is about illegal money-streams flowing between figures of interest. I couldn't care less about their tax avoidance, I care about the prime-minister of Iceland getting elected on an anti-corruption/anti-bank ticket whilst never announcing these accounts existing.


FIFA is implicated AGAIN, there is so much data here that it needs to be opened up to the world, sans question.

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Let's be clear, this isn't about tax evasion or avoiding, this is about illegal money-streams flowing between figures of interest. I couldn't care less about their tax avoidance, I care about the prime-minister of Iceland getting elected on an anti-corruption/anti-bank ticket whilst never announcing these accounts existing.


FIFA is implicated AGAIN, there is so much data here that it needs to be opened up to the world, sans question.


Can you tell me what you think is illegal about the "money-streams" that I have and which you apparently want to expose to the world?

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Can you tell me what you think is illegal about the "money-streams" that I have and which you apparently want to expose to the world?


I am not addressing you, but I will address a situation that is quickly uncovering regarding the Copa Libertadores. It turns out that the image rights for the competition were essentially vehicles to make money 'disappear' from the system. By stating that company X (which was nothing more than a registered number on the Cayman isles) owned a percentage of the image rights for a particular game Fifa could justify sending money to this company. As the Cayman Islands haven't got an open accounting obligation this money essentially disappeared from legal accountability. At which point it could be used to pay person Y for their well appreciated vote for Dubai hosting the World Cup.


Football is a brilliant vehicle for this sort of nonsense. A Dutch banker was asked to take over control of one of these sham companies but in his due dilligence investigation discovered that the company received an 800,000 $ fee for consultancy. He couldn't work out what the money was for and upon enquiry was told: It was to organise the transfer of the teams in an international match from the hotel to the stadium.


In other words, organising (not even paying for!) a bus and some security plus contacting the local council(s) to ensure roads are blocked/unblocked if appropriate. 800,000 dollar. Nice job if you can get it.


FIFA is an obvious body to scrutinise at the moment, so the press with access to this data will focus there, but there are also documents relating to Italian mafia, Colombian drug lords and countless government officials all over the world.


In the mean time the question regarding ISIS remains: Where did they get all that money from? Perhaps all that is needed is an analysis of the accounts of certain Sheikhs.

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I am not addressing you, but I will address a situation that is quickly uncovering regarding the Copa Libertadores. It turns out that the image rights for the competition were essentially vehicles to make money 'disappear' from the system. By stating that company X (which was nothing more than a registered number on the Cayman isles) owned a percentage of the image rights for a particular game Fifa could justify sending money to this company. As the Cayman Islands haven't got an open accounting obligation this money essentially disappeared from legal accountability. At which point it could be used to pay person Y for their well appreciated vote for Dubai hosting the World Cup.


Football is a brilliant vehicle for this sort of nonsense. A Dutch banker was asked to take over control of one of these sham companies but in his due dilligence investigation discovered that the company received an 800,000 $ fee for consultancy. He couldn't work out what the money was for and upon enquiry was told: It was to organise the transfer of the teams in an international match from the hotel to the stadium.


In other words, organising (not even paying for!) a bus and some security plus contacting the local council(s) to ensure roads are blocked/unblocked if appropriate. 800,000 dollar. Nice job if you can get it.


FIFA is an obvious body to scrutinise at the moment, so the press with access to this data will focus there, but there are also documents relating to Italian mafia, Colombian drug lords and countless government officials all over the world.


In the mean time the question regarding ISIS remains: Where did they get all that money from? Perhaps all that is needed is an analysis of the accounts of certain Sheikhs.


Don't you mean allegedly?

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