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A57 gypsy site by the Elmwood pub

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Picked up on this info with someone calling at my house asking to sign a petition objecting to plans for a permanent site with facilities hard-standing,washrooms etc etc.Having looked up this info via the Sheffield planning applications I discovered that any objections to this development was to be forwarded between the 8th to the 30 th of march and that all the local residents within a reasonable catchment area would be informed.As we have had no correspondence of any kind and living just a short distance away buth my family and all my neighbours are perturbed to say the least.Has anyoneelse heard or knows anything re this application?? Thanks in advance.

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I think the prospective residents are already scouting the local areas for 'work' :suspect:


Without adding to your misery I think it would be NIMBY objections from local residents the site does seem well suited.

As much as I personally dislike the idea I can't think of any legitimate reasons to object.

Not that I've seen any info door to door I just spotted it by chance in the housing office.


When the nature walks and access to TPT has been fly tipped to death and local business has had to close then it will be platitudes in hindsight but the camp will remain. :(

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I doubt the entrance to the site would be considered acceptable. Small single track entrance, yards from a roundabout on a busy trunk road.


Can't see it happening myself.


Roads can be built.




Having looked at the link, I've learned this, which I didn't know, but I thought interesting:


Sui generis’ buildings are those that do not fall within any particular use class. The Latin term 'sui generis' means ‘of its own kind’.


Sui generis buildings include:



Houses in multiple paying occupation.

Hostels providing no significant element of care.

Scrap yards.

Petrol filling stations and shops selling and / or displaying motor vehicles.

Retail warehouse clubs.



Dry cleaners.

Taxi businesses.

Amusement centres.


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Ah right. So not content with the rise in crime levels when they're "just passing through" now the council want a permanent high crime level. . . .


And no, it's not racist, it's fact. Wherever you find travelers, you find increased crime levels. Go do the research.

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