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Now should abortion be this illegal.

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Nowt to do with religion.


Abortion is Clinical Murder.!


Unless by rape or such.


How can anyone Kill a Life?.. :(


Don't you think it's still "murder" even if the embryo is a result of rape? Why the difference?

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Read the definition, if it's UNBORN it's a fetus. The words are all there.


---------- Post added 31-05-2018 at 08:27 ----------



Nobody said anything about undertaking it likely, not that I've read. :roll:



You fail to see why, yet you refuse to actually use the correct word... No, I think you know exactly why people are hung up on words, and you were deliberately misusing them for emotional effect.


And if it's born and it lives it's a .........

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Guest makapaka

It’s right women should be able to have an abortion - I don’t agree that It should be up to 22 weeks.


But aside from medical / assault / disability issues - the only reason people would need one is if they’ve not used birth control and in very few cases because birth control had failed.


I’m still not against it - I just think it’s a sad state of affairs.

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And if it's born and it lives it's a .........


And if it grows up and joins the astronauts program and flies into space it's an .....


But it isn't before then is it. So you're talking about foetus, not an astronaut.


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 07:35 ----------


It's your penultimate word which prejudges the conclusion at which you arrive.

I agree that something not alive cannot be killed.



Could you kill your finger? Should it be illegal for you to remove it if you want to?

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Nowt to do with religion.


Abortion is Clinical Murder.!


Unless by rape or such.


How can anyone Kill a Life?.. :(


This demonstrates a frankly appalling lack of thinking skills and a bizarrely distorted set of moral values.

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I don't think that it is particularly the Catholic community in NI that has led to the current law.


Certainly not.


While it is true that the Catholic Church is as reactionary as fundamental Protestantism, until the formation of the Assembly in June 1998, Catholics had very little political power (except at some local level).


The present position on abortion is 100% the responsibility of the DUP and the Official Unionists before them.

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The Supreme Court has ruled the position in NI lawful but nevertheless incompatible with Human Rights legislation (i.e. the law is still the law).

See BBC News report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-44395150

and Court decision http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKSC/2018/27.html&query=(abortion)


My understanding is that what they actually said was that they couldn't make a judgement because of the manner in which the matter had been brought to them (ie. not based on an actual case) but if they had been allowed to rule, then it would be that the position in NI was incompatible with human rights legislation.

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