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Now should abortion be this illegal.

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It's really unpleasant that this happens.

But, it's law and the law is ALWAYS right. :roll: That's why Adam Johnson was locked up and the occasional "SF loopy tunes" thinks that speeding is dangerous and evil.


Seriously though, I don't approve of terminations. I wouldn't do it and would try to persuade a partner of mine not to have a termination. But ultimately it is the woman's right to choose. Her body, her choice.

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The women of Northern Ireland get a dreadful deal in all sorts of ways when it comes to reproductive health. There are even limits on availability of contraception (there may not be in law, but there are in practice, particularly in Catholic areas).


Criminalising a woman for simply trying to access something which is freely available to other women in the UK (whether a jail sentence is given or not) is despicable.


I don't think that it is particularly the Catholic community in NI that has led to the current law.

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I don't think that it is particularly the Catholic community in NI that has led to the current law.


I'm only reporting feedback from friends and the areas they live in. I make no claims that it is the community that is driving the opposition to birth control and terminations, nor indeed to I make any claims to know who has caused this level of opposition.

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Even Trump back tracked on his view that women who have abortions should be punished. Does this mean that NI is even more reactionary than he?


He actually said that women who have illegal abortions should be punished, which is a very different thing.

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He actually said that women who have illegal abortions should be punished, which is a very different thing.


Which begs the question WHY would a woman have to have an illegal abortion.

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Which begs the question WHY would a woman have to have an illegal abortion.


Because they unfortunately live in a country in which abortion is illegal and they don't want to carry the foetus full term, leaving them no choice but to break the law which also puts them at increased risk.


I don't get why some people want to force their will onto everyone.

Edited by sutty27
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Ah yes - the craziness of religion strikes again!


I love the fact that 'pro-lifers' only care about an unborn child. Once you're out of the womb you're on your own.


The true stupidity would have unveiled itself if the child had been born, but had been brought up with a different religion to the pro-life group. Then the poor child would have been persecuted for believing in the wrong version of Christianity.


Unfortunately, it's 2016 and religion is still telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Christianity, which supposedly helps those in need, refuses to help those who are in the wrong kind of need! Maybe that's why it's usually altar boys who are abused - they can't get pregnant and give the game away...


In my most humble of opinions, anyway.

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Really? with the NHS dishing out fake tits to girls who feel depressed because theirs look like two fried eggs nailed to a board?


blow me down


I was referring to people from NI who want terminations in another part of the UK. To have the NHS fund it, you need to be refered, you can't just rock up to a hospital and ask for one. As its illegal in NI, the woman won't be able to obtain the referral, so would (I suspect) be required to fund it herself.

Edited by Berberis
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