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Government to spend Nine million on leaflets

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I think sending them back is totally moronic to be frank.


The Government has made a stance on what it thinks the public should do. They are entitled to do that.


The Government received a lot of criticism from the press and the general public for not explaining their reasoning.


The Government are taking steps to rectify that by providing written reasons for their position.


Its supposed to be about keeping the electorate informed. Its supposed to be answering the questions we demand they answer.


Its not a campaign leaflet. Its not supposed to block or oppose leafleting from the in OR out campaign groups.


Its official government information in response to a specific demand.


They cant do right for doing wrong.


Perhaps if all these reactionaries actually bothered to read the leaflet alongside the forthcoming campaign materials they might be in a position to make an informed decision come referendum time.


Yes it IS a campaign leaflet. It is being issued on behalf of the stay in the EU and help DC keep his job campaign.


Virtually all of the above points could be made if the governing party decided to send out its electioneering leaflets using taxpayers money.


The nett result of this is that the stay campaign is going to have had twice as much public money spent on it as the leave campaign has


---------- Post added 12-04-2016 at 08:23 ----------


Mine dropped through the letterbox this morning. Its a booklet , not a leaflet.

Needless to say it went straight in the bin without reading it .


Oh, I will read it if only to see the balanced viewpoint it should be giving if it is truly meant to be informative and not a straightforward campaign leaflet


Yes, I do believe I will be waiting in vain!!

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I got my government backed £9m EU remain leaflet today and i have to say im not impressed.


The information is basic at best and hasnt told me any real facts about why we should stay or why its bad to go. :huh:


What a complete waste of money.


What do you guys think?

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I sent mine back to Downing Street, with 2 first class stamps on it to make sure RM actually deliver it (They're obliged to aren't they?)


---------- Post added 13-04-2016 at 12:56 ----------


Oh and I got this today from the petitions people dot gov:


Dear Pete Morris,


Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers’ money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets”.




The debate is scheduled for 9 May 2016.


Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.



The Petitions team

UK Government and Parliament


Debating on May 9th...Just a tad late I'd suggest...They announced they were sending it and how much it costs far too late for anyone to stop it....Slimy tactics.

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Debating on May 9th...Just a tad late I'd suggest...They announced they were sending it and how much it costs far too late for anyone to stop it....Slimy tactics.


But as many people have (and presumably will in the future) point out, this is a democratically elected Government with a mandate. What they do with the tax money is what they were elected for surely ? Just because you happen to disagree with it is irrelevant, vote them out at the next election if you're not happy ?

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But as many people have (and presumably will in the future) point out, this is a democratically elected Government with a mandate. What they do with the tax money is what they were elected for surely ? Just because you happen to disagree with it is irrelevant, vote them out at the next election if you're not happy ?


I tried the last time!!


No it doesn't mean because they're the current government they can do what the hell they like...Does that mean more moats?...et-al?


The leaflet front cover states "Why the Government Believes ....etc"


Should it be why 'some' of the government believe?....Oh and the word 'believe' in my view is dubious. Aren't they convinced?

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But as many people have (and presumably will in the future) point out, this is a democratically elected Government with a mandate. What they do with the tax money is what they were elected for surely ? Just because you happen to disagree with it is irrelevant, vote them out at the next election if you're not happy ?


Nobody is denying that they have the right and authority to do this.

It's quite consistent with the democratic process to firmly tell them that they shouldn't.

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I tried the last time!!


No it doesn't mean because they're the current government they can do what the hell they like...Does that mean more moats?...et-al?


The leaflet front cover states "Why the Government Believes ....etc"


Should it be why 'some' of the government believe?....Oh and the word 'believe' in my view is dubious. Aren't they convinced?


I tried to as well ! :hihi:


It's not some of the Government, it's the Government. Some of the party that form the Government may not agree with it but the Government as an entity have stated they want to stay in the EU.



Nobody is denying that they have the right and authority to do this.

It's quite consistent with the democratic process to firmly tell them that they shouldn't.


Good point :)

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