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Government to spend Nine million on leaflets

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has anyone received there stay in eu leaflet in Sheffield yet they said that every house in the country would get one I live in s5 and no one around me has got one yet . if you have received yours will you reply leaving your post code ( s5 ect ect )




Not got mine :mad:


Got the bloody leave one tho dint I :rant: :rant:

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This started off as a perfectly reasonable question to see if people had received said brochure and not to turn the thread into a political argument on whether we should or should not remain in the EU. All it required was a simple answer of 'yes' or 'no'!


P.S, Yes I got mine weeks ago in S5.


So you propose a thread full of Yes/No posts with no comment?...I see! :huh:

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The plain fact is, the government announced the delivery of the leaflets far too late for it to be debated about, or stopped (quite deliberately)...So regardless of what anyone felt about it right or wrong, it was already done and dusted. As a result of the petition, it deemed to trigger a parliamentary debate on an issue that had already happened. More waste of time and money!

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