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Warfarin Tablets...anyone taking them?

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I have my own Coaguchek machine and when I went to the NGH yesterday I asked if when the weather was bad and I could not get to the NGH could I use my own machine to do the test and then ring in.

I was told that they would not except me useing my own machine without them knowing that I was useing it correct. So next week when I go to the NGH for my weekly blood test I will be doing it on my own machine and then the following week and if they think I am OK I will only have to go for a check up every two months. It will save me taxi fares because I would never take my car to the NGH because of the parking, with a taxi I get taken right to the door.

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Hi, I have just joined the forum this evening although I'm not local to any of you so I hope you don't mind me joining? I'm on warfarin for life following a P.E in 1999 then again June 2011. I noticed windbobs post (home monitor) I have also purchased a monitor but I get my testing strips through my GP, is there anyway you can inquire further with regards to obtaining the strips on prescription? I must say the monitor is excellent as its there as and when I start to worry. I also like to go abroad and getting your INR checked privately can be costly, so having the machine for that purpose is a benefit alone!!


I would love to hear from anyone who has struggled to come to terms with taking warfarin for live as it freaked me out. At times I felt quite angry, not so much now though as I think the anger was more anxiety than anything.


I have noticed my INR can be 2.5 one day then 2.9 the next. Does anyone else find this with their INR? Today is was 3.1 but will check it again in the morning before I email the clinic.


Any advise will be appreciated.

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The thing that realy puzzles me is, The amount of Warfarin you take, if it is a large amount say 7-8mg and your INR target is say 2.5 does the high amount of Warfarin increase your risk of bleeding? or is it the 2.5 INR? I was told by the hospital that bleeding may start if my INR was over 4 is this correct?

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I came back from holiday a few years ago and my INR was over 9, I had to go to the RHH for 4 days miss the weekend then back on the Monday for them to monitor it and bring it down. Said that if I had been bleeding from anywhere they would have kept me in, fortunately I hadn't.

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