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I,m All Excited!!

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Well I made it back in one piece ,it went as predicted although with a sleight amendment, one hour and a half ploughing through the womens department first which sent me into a semi comatose condition apart from the underwear section which sparked my attention a tad!.My bride and daughter selected a lady employee in the gents suit section so it was three to one,losing odds I should say,every time I said that I liked a material it was kicked into touch,we finally selected a light coloured beige suit I say we just to console myself,then problem one popped up,nothing fitted my Cadburys misshape body!.Coat too tight plus waist as well and trousers too long,so its back we go on Monday for alterations,next we I mean they selected a pair of blue canvas boat shoes a blue and white striped shirt and to top it off a panama hat!.Christ I will look like Peter Ustinov with my beard in that out fit but I magnanimously kept stum mostly because my present wife footed the bill for the lot,what a lovely woman she is I wont have a word said against her,she also picked the lunch and paid for it as well!.After reflection I am starting to feel a teeny bit churlish about my post I don,t want people to think I,m a self centered moaning mardy arse but I can see it may appear that way,I,m a pussy cat really easily pleased I just like to make a noise now and again to liven things up!.


The outfit sounds lovely, and I'm sure you will look good in it. Much better than a football shirt, trust me.


So thank your wife, look forward to the wedding in the sun, and buy yourself a shed.

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