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David Cameron, secrecy and tax avoidance

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Well made point about pension funds also being placed in such locations. If anyone here complaining have a private pension, they probably have benefited from similar investments.


This is really about the amount of money Cameron was able to invest, that's all. It's jealousy, nothing more.


---------- Post added 09-04-2016 at 16:48 ----------


Nobody is asking for Cameron to be prosecuted.


They are asking for resignation yes, but not prosecution..


‘Cameron shouldn’t just resign… he should be sent to prison!’ Ken Livingstone tells RT.


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Well made point about pension funds also being placed in such locations. If anyone here complaining have a private pension, they probably have benefited from similar investments.


This is really about the amount of money Cameron was able to invest, that's all. It's jealousy, nothing more.


---------- Post added 09-04-2016 at 16:48 ----------



‘Cameron shouldn’t just resign… he should be sent to prison!’ Ken Livingstone tells RT.



Livingstone is an idiot. Ignore him.

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But you seem to be implying that he's dodged tax on his profit (gain)?


Not at all.

As far as I know he has paid all his taxes.


---------- Post added 09-04-2016 at 17:08 ----------


I'd love to know how Tony Blair has made £60 million in 10 years.


If he tells us his secret, maybe by this time next year we could all be millionaires!

You just need to shake the hands of the right Arab's.:hihi:

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People talk about the rich as if there are a different breed but I think they are no different to anyone else... we all do what is best for ourselves. It is easy being self-righteous and principled when the strength of these convictions are not put to the test!


We are all similar, the those that are motivated by money are different.


A rich friend of mine recently told me how he put an offer in for a house that was up for sale. It was refused, he put a window through, of this empty house and mention to the seller about anti-social behaviour. They accepted his offer in the end.


---------- Post added 10-04-2016 at 01:32 ----------


This is really about the amount of money Cameron was able to invest, that's all. It's jealousy, nothing more.


Is that what you really think?


As I understand, we have low taxes, because the Conservatives are in power, yet tax is still avoided.

The poor pay very little tax, the middle earners pay a higher percentage of tax, than the super rich.

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I think its the editors of the papers who want Brexit trying to feed the public that Cameron is untrustworthy and so don't belive him on europe. I suspect they also want Boris as leader as he will owe them for their help. In my opinion Cameron is just getting the same treatment as Corbyn has been getting since he became labour leader. I am glad to see that Corbyn hasn't taken the opportunity to play the man and just stuck to the issues

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Well made point about pension funds also being placed in such locations. If anyone here complaining have a private pension, they probably have benefited from similar investments.


This is really about the amount of money Cameron was able to invest, that's all. It's jealousy, nothing more.


---------- Post added 09-04-2016 at 16:48 ----------



‘Cameron shouldn’t just resign… he should be sent to prison!’ Ken Livingstone tells RT.


you must be on a different planet to the rest of us, our services are being cut to the bone, disabled were being penalised for the bankers failures, and this corrupt government are syphoning off our assets to the rich.......and you talk about jealousy.?

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you must be on a different planet to the rest of us, our services are being cut to the bone, disabled were being penalised for the bankers failures, and this corrupt government are syphoning off our assets to the rich.......and you talk about jealousy.?


I think most people are living on a different planet to you.

I also object to the attempt to cut benefits for the disabled. That's perfectly legitimate.

The "rich" are still, despite all the efforts of some of them to minimise tax liability, paying a hell of a lot more into the system than the rest of us.

If you think they should pay more, that is also legitimate. But don't forget who's footing the bill for all this welfare and public services. Try not to be a •#$% about it there's a good chap.

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I think its the editors of the papers who want Brexit trying to feed the public that Cameron is untrustworthy and so don't belive him on europe. I suspect they also want Boris as leader as he will owe them for their help. In my opinion Cameron is just getting the same treatment as Corbyn has been getting since he became labour leader. I am glad to see that Corbyn hasn't taken the opportunity to play the man and just stuck to the issues

They don't need any help in showing him as untrustworthy. The last week has been like drawing teeth getting him to come out with the truth, no wonder he wrote to the EU in 2013 when they wanted to reveal the recipients of offshore trusts to block it.

Even yesterday when he was forced to give an explanation to the Tory faithful, he started.

'I've had better weeks', canned laughter.

'Don't blame anyone else', we're not.

'Don't blame the staff at Downing Street', we're not.

'Don't bl................', no we're not you pillock, we're blaming you.

He's so used to ducking and diving he can't help himself. And why shouldn't we distrust him on Europe? he asked for little, got less the hailed it as a triumph.

He's probably got a non elected cushy job lined up there for when he goes but I would expect if he were asked about that he would come out with the standard answer, 'I have no plans at this ti.....................................'

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