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David Cameron, secrecy and tax avoidance

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Is that what you really think?


As I understand, we have low taxes, because the Conservatives are in power, yet tax is still avoided.

The poor pay very little tax, the middle earners pay a higher percentage of tax, than the super rich.


Generalisations will get you nowhere.


The fact is, Cameron invested in an offshore company. A hedge fund by any other name, just like you or I am entitled to do. He then took the money out and paid the relevant UK Taxes.


The Jimmy Carr comparison is completely wrong. I know the scheme Carr was using, it was offered to me once, I declined. Carr paid no tax on the money he put through the scheme as the payments you receive are technically a loan you never pay back.


If you have a private pension, your fund will be being invested in offshore investments also.


This is nothing more than a group of people who already hate the current government trying to use this as a means to damage Cameron.

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It would be fine if in the past he hadnt slagged other people off for doing.............................exactly what he has been doing.!!!...man is a total slimeball, and then to deny it for several days before finally humiliating himself by admitting his guilt, shows what a complete liar and charlatan he is


Again here is the comparison with no substance. Cameron attacked those who used aggressive offshore schemes to pay no tax on the money. Cameron paid the relevant UK tax when he sold his shares.


Comparing this with the likes of Jimmy Carrs scheme, means you don't understand the difference.

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The "rich" are still, despite all the efforts of some of them to minimise tax liability, paying a hell of a lot more into the system than the rest of us.

If you think they should pay more, that is also legitimate. But don't forget who's footing the bill for all this welfare and public services. Try not to be a •#$% about it there's a good chap.


They need to get re-elected to carry on doing that; if there was an election tomorrow with a good opposition in a two party system, they would not win.


There is a lot of hate in our society, if people lived in a happier but poorer country, people may well vote for that. Not that you would understand :loopy:

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They need to get re-elected to carry on doing that; if there was an election tomorrow with a good opposition in a two party system, they would not win.


There is a lot of hate in our society, if people lived in a happier but poorer country, people may well vote for that. Not that you would understand :loopy:


You obviously have a lot of hatred, much jealousy, a very big chip on your shoulder and no understanding of the tax system.

No wonder you're upset that DC has done nothing even remotely wrong.

You win two



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Again here is the comparison with no substance. Cameron attacked those who used aggressive offshore schemes to pay no tax on the money. Cameron paid the relevant UK tax when he sold his shares.


Comparing this with the likes of Jimmy Carrs scheme, means you don't understand the difference.


In June 2012, Jimmy Carr apologised, he was following UK law too, at least he was following it close enough to not get sent to jail.

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They need to get re-elected to carry on doing that; if there was an election tomorrow with a good opposition in a two party system, they would not win.



We don't have a good opposition or a 2 party system and even if we did you have no idea who would win an election. You seem to imagine that folk who vote lib/dem would all vote Labour if the Libdems weren't around. It seems completely the opposite is true. When the Libdem's vote collapsed at the last election the majority of their seats went to the Tories.

We will see how much support Labour have when Scotland goes to the polls in May. I suspect it isn't a lot.

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You obviously have a lot of hatred, much jealousy, a very big chip on your shoulder and no understanding of the tax system.

No wonder you're upset that DC has done nothing even remotely wrong.


There is hatred of the disabled and hatred of the wealthy, looks like you understand?

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In June 2012, Jimmy Carr apologised, he was following UK law too, at least he was following it close enough to not get sent to jail.


Don't folk only appologise if they have done something wrong? Is this the new socialist idl where folk need to appologise for feeding the birds?


But life is grand. The mad dogs have been flogging this non story for a week now. The junior doctors can't get a slot on page 5 of the red tops. The steel workers are on their own. The Europen referendum isn't getting a mention, but the world is a better off now Cameron has published a whiter than white tax return which shows he paid every penny of tax he should.

Edited by foxy lady
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