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David Cameron, secrecy and tax avoidance

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As he was not and still is not obliged to give out his personal tax information, he answered the question with a response he was willing to give. That's all. Can you name a single politician who does not do this?


Even if there was an inquiry by the parliamentary watchdog, the findings would come back to the PM.

He has got to satisfy his party and the public, he has very few obligations.

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Even if there was an inquiry by the parliamentary watchdog, the findings would come back to the PM.

He has got to satisfy his party and the public, he has very few obligations.


An enquiry would be in private as it deals with a private matter. The findings would be public.

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The vast majority of the population don't care. Its only the die hard, already nailed their colours to the wall, Labourphiles who care.


You use the watergate scandal as an example. I can give a more modern equivalent that went much further. The Lewinsky scandal. Clinton actually did lie and it didn't run him out of office.


This is only an issue because Labour want it to be. Thats is all. It's a damp squib in reality. No lies, nothing illegal, nothing to report.


I used the Watergate scandal as an example how someones reaction to a scandal, rather than the scandal brought them down.


Clinton was impeached over his lies with the Lewinsky scandal, it was a massive deal and he only became the second President ever to survive an impeachment.

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I used the Watergate scandal as an example how someones reaction to a scandal, rather than the scandal brought them down.


Clinton was impeached over his lies with the Lewinsky scandal, it was a massive deal and he only became the second President ever to survive an impeachment.


Impeached but wasn't run out of office for a much more scandalous accusation (which was probably true). Watergate was a long time ago, when the USA was still looking at communists as enemies within. Things have changed a lot since then and people can get at more information these days. People know this is a storm in a tea cup and the only people who disagree are the people who would never vote Tory in the first place.


I note that Blair and Brown are staying very quiet at the moment. I wonder why?

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I note that Blair and Brown are staying very quiet at the moment. I wonder why?


See Corbyn (or as normal, people on behalf of him) are coming out with excuses as to why he hasn't published his tax return yet. The one he said he would when McDonnell did in January.


It's either 'his paper filing system is in a muddle' or 'he's already submitted it to HMRC and is trying to get it back'.

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Impeached but wasn't run out of office for a much more scandalous accusation (which was probably true). Watergate was a long time ago, when the USA was still looking at communists as enemies within. Things have changed a lot since then and people can get at more information these days. People know this is a storm in a tea cup and the only people who disagree are the people who would never vote Tory in the first place.


I note that Blair and Brown are staying very quiet at the moment. I wonder why?


What really do they have to say on the subject?

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What really do they have to say on the subject?


They are his contemporaries are they not. Have they had similar investments. There are a lot of questions about how Blair managed to build his current £60million fortune.


It would also be good to know and see if the same people calling for Cameron to be sent to prison would say the same about Labour MP's?

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They are his contemporaries are they not. Have they had similar investments. There are a lot of questions about how Blair managed to build his current £60million fortune.


It would also be good to know and see if the same people calling for Cameron to be sent to prison would say the same about Labour MP's?


I'm sure that if Blair or Brown were PM they'd a series of awkward questions to answer as well.

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They are his contemporaries are they not. Have they had similar investments. There are a lot of questions about how Blair managed to build his current £60million fortune.


It would also be good to know and see if the same people calling for Cameron to be sent to prison would say the same about Labour MP's?

just hope he pays the right amount of tax on it :hihi:

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I'm sure that if Blair or Brown were PM they'd a series of awkward questions to answer as well.


Well it seems that the only one with irregularities was Corbyn who was fined £100 for not submitting his tax return on time.

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