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David Cameron, secrecy and tax avoidance

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The country is in a mess, the services are being cut to the bone, the Tories even wanted to take money from the disabled because we are that skint, and people seem to think it is okay to avoid paying their tax, (as long as it is legal)...is that the society you want to live in.?

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The country is in a mess, the services are being cut to the bone, the Tories even wanted to take money from the disabled because we are that skint, and people seem to think it is okay to avoid paying their tax, (as long as it is legal)...is that the society you want to live in.?


If it's legal then its fine. You and I only pay what we are required to pay via PAYE no bount. Do you volunteer to pay more? If you can arrange your tax affairs so that they limit your liability, there is nothing in the law to say it's wrong.

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If it's legal then its fine. You and I only pay what we are required to pay via PAYE no bount. Do you volunteer to pay more? If you can arrange your tax affairs so that they limit your liability, there is nothing in the law to say it's wrong.

He hasn't been accused of doing anything illegal, the problem is that he's so used to giving vague answers to any questions that he now does it automatically.

It's taken four days to drag an answer out of him, talk about getting blood out of a stone. As Mafya says the bloke is a complete hypocrite.

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He hasn't been accused of doing anything illegal, the problem is that he's so used to giving vague answers to any questions that he now does it automatically.

It's taken four days to drag an answer out of him, talk about getting blood out of a stone. As Mafya says the bloke is a complete hypocrite.


Oh, what Cameron has done is not good to say the least but I was making a general remark to the method used.


My Point is, we all pay what we are required to pay under the law. We don't volunteer to pay more tax. If the HMRC upped your tax one tax year by 25%, we would all question it. We pay the minimum we can get away with, otherwise take up on financial products like ISA's would be minimal.

Edited by Berberis
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Oh, what Cameron has done is not good to say the least but I was making a general remark to the method used.


My Point is, we all pay what we are required to pay under the law. We don't volunteer to pay more tax. If the HMRC upped your tax one tax year by 25%, we would all question it. We pay the minimum we can get away with, otherwise take up on financial products like ISA's would be minimal.

Totally agree, we transferred part of Mrs gomgeg's tax allowance to me last year because she doesn't pay tax, saves us £200 per year but I wouldn't try to hide the fact. But Cameron is such a shifty character it just comes natural to him, I now question everything he says.

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