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Sex, Drugs .Rock n Roll, Which generation invented them

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Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll, each generation claims the credit, but who did


I would guess around the time of Woodstock and the hippie generation. All that stuff about "free love" and flower power lol. Who coined the phrase is anybody's guess. Alan Freed a Cleveland DJ, coined the rock and roll part in 1956, who hung the sex and drugs on there I have no idea. In short my answer to your question would be mid sixties.:cool:

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I would guess around the time of Woodstock and the hippie generation. All that stuff about "free love" and flower power lol. Who coined the phrase is anybody's guess. Alan Freed a Cleveland DJ, coined the rock and roll part in 1956, who hung the sex and drugs on there I have no idea. In short my answer to your question would be mid sixties.:cool:

The phrase rock and roll was used around parts of the US since early 1900s, meaning to have sexual intercourse so your comment about Alan Freeman is spot on as he used it to compare the music being played around the era of free love etc.

Get ready pop pickers!!

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The phrase rock and roll was used around parts of the US since early 1900s, meaning to have sexual intercourse so your comment about Alan Freeman is spot on as he used it to compare the music being played around the era of free love etc.

Get ready pop pickers!!


Alan Freed and Alan Freeman were at least 10 years apart. Freed was an American DJ from Cleveland in the 50's and was credited with calling the then new music i.e. Elvis, Bill Haley, Little Richard, Rock and Roll. Alan Freeman was a BBC DJ, was around at the time of Woodstock and the hippie era. Believe me there was no such saying in the 50's as " free love." That was a 60's thing so we are both right in a way lol.;)

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It struck me could be back to the 1920's , but under different terminology

What would sexual activity be called in the 20's ?

Drugs were around, cocaine , opium, cigarettes and booze could be classed as drugs.

Also The Charlston could be interpreted as being a rock n roll dance maybe the first type of dance where you dance without holding a partner ?

What do ya think ?


Maybe different ways of expressing the same.

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agree with "gmarshman" that R & R gets back into the 1920s/30s but the permanent RR name had not yet emerged, probably not until the mid part of the 1950s with Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Elvis etc. From what I can determine RR (voice) emerged from R & B and was mostly developed by African American artists (mainly men in those days), coming from the so called "Deep south." Oddly enough Bill Hayley (caucasian) was one of the first to use the word "Rock" with "Rock around the clock."


The Charlston, coming with the "Speak easy" clubs in the US, probably sowed the seeds for the RR dancing

Going back further to the 1700/1800s, I have a book aboput Slavery and the sailing ship transport that was used. It states that many captains used to let the captive slaves up on the top deck for fresh air and exercise, and during this time they sang and danced (In a way that we had note seen the like of before.

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agree with "gmarshman" that R & R gets back into the 1920s/30s but the permanent RR name had not yet emerged, probably not until the mid part of the 1950s with Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Elvis etc. From what I can determine RR (voice) emerged from R & B and was mostly developed by African American artists (mainly men in those days), coming from the so called "Deep south." Oddly enough Bill Hayley (caucasian) was one of the first to use the word "Rock" with "Rock around the clock."


The Charlston, coming with the "Speak easy" clubs in the US, probably sowed the seeds for the RR dancing

Going back further to the 1700/1800s, I have a book aboput Slavery and the sailing ship transport that was used. It states that many captains used to let the captive slaves up on the top deck for fresh air and exercise, and during this time they sang and danced (In a way that we had note seen the like of before.


I think I have been misunderstanding the thread. I thought the question was who and in which generation came up with the phrase "Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll". That is why I brought up the name of Alan Freed who was famous for the phrase Rock and Roll. He was also infamous for his role in the notorious payola scandal of that era. Sorry about that guys.

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