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Dubai, built by slaves?

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Yes,built by slave labor no doubt.


Most of which are Asian. Health and safety non existent or close to it.


Dubai - a created artificial haven financed by the PTB.


A potential capital of the new world order when its officially announced.

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Guest sibon
Yes,built by slave labor no doubt.


Most of which are Asian. Health and safety non existent or close to it.


Dubai - a created artificial haven financed by the PTB.


A potential capital of the new world order when its officially announced.


Why would the Parti du Travail Belgique finance the building of Dubai?

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Why would the Parti du Travail Belgique finance the building of Dubai?


Powers that be. Conspiracy theorist shorthand for 'the shadowy elites'.


Re dubai yes its a disgrace and the sooner the arab oil runs out the better. Appalling people.

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Does anyone go their on holiday?



....Not me. I've read stuff on the net about foreign workers promised the earth and then barely existing when they get out there trapped in a role akin to slavery and existing in unbearable conditions.


Just watched the video above - yep, that about sums it up.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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....Not me. I've read stuff on the net about foreign workers promised the earth and then barely existing when they get out there trapped in a role akin to slavery and existing in unbearable conditions.


Me neither; those super rich Arabs completely disgust me; utterly repugnant, to have so much opulence in a society, then to treat the lowest in that society in such a shoddy way. How you treat those who are less fortunate that you, says a hell of a lot more about you as a person, than how much of the green stuff you have in the bank, or the car you drive. Those people make me want to vomit.

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My god there is some venom being spewed around on this thread. Lets not get carried away.


Can we just remember that British history is not exactly squeaky clean ethics wise when it comes of slave labour and workers rights.


We might well be all on some moral high ground now and sneering and pointing about other cultures but lets not completely forget that we used to be a country that ran a bloody worldwide empire. We invaded countries, took all their resources and had the population act as mere colonised staff for their new overlords.


We treated women as second class citizens right up until 30 years ago. Even when they did join the male dominated world of work they were still only good for typing and making tea. If you were a non white forget it. Very rare for most immigrants to get above service level jobs even as recent as 40 years ago.


Today, we have massive areas of the black and grey economies in this country that lapped up the cheap foreign labour coming from abroad being given very dubious contracts and working for little or below minimum wage levels.. Certain companies (allegedly) are still utilising this market - hence all the recent hoo haa about companies such as Sports Direct.

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My god there is some venom being spewed around on this thread. Lets not get carried away.


Can we just remember that British history is not exactly squeaky clean ethics wise when it comes of slave labour and workers rights.


We might well be all on some moral high ground now and sneering and pointing about other cultures but lets not completely forget that we used to be a country that ran a bloody worldwide empire. We invaded countries, took all their resources and had the population act as mere colonised staff for their new overlords.


We treated women as second class citizens right up until 30 years ago. Even when they did join the male dominated world of work they were still only good for typing and making tea. If you were a non white forget it. Very rare for most immigrants to get above service level jobs even as recent as 40 years ago.


Today, we have massive areas of the black and grey economies in this country that lapped up the cheap foreign labour coming from abroad being given very dubious contracts and working for little or below minimum wage levels.. Certain companies (allegedly) are still utilising this market - hence all the recent hoo haa about companies such as Sports Direct.


The collective 'we' does not equate to the individuals 'you' and 'I'. Just because some other people (who happen to share the same nationality as me) did some bad stuff; that does not implicate me (or you) in their crime.


I didn't invade other countries or mistreat women or pay a pittance for people to work in my sporting goods shop (also, I won't shop in SD).


I fear I'm becoming moralistic. Darn it.

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I've met heaps of Filipinos that have spent years working in Dubai. And I mean heaps. Maybe 20-30 who have worked in Dubai alone. And a lot more than that who have worked in other parts of the Middle East like Saudi and Kuwait. And I usually ask them how they found it.


of course we've all read these stories about the abuse cases and yes they are often reported and even one, is too much. But nobody I met ever had been abused and in fact, not one of them had much of a bad word to say about their time in places like Dubai. They accept it. They know they are not well paid. They know the hours are long. They know it would have been better for them had they managed to get an overseas job in the west and not the Gulf. But I'll tell you this - none of them, not one, would consider themselves as having been 'slaves'. People that bandy expressions like 'slave labour' around ought to be advised about what slaves actually were.

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