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Dubai, built by slaves?

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Yes,built by slave labor no doubt.


Most of which are Asian. Health and safety non existent or close to it.


Dubai - a created artificial haven financed by the PTB.


A potential capital of the new world order when its officially announced.


rubbish:roll::roll: built by slaves my a!!! built by workers that are brought in from various countries like Pakistan on emirates flights paid for by the developers, they are fairly well looked after considering where they come from.

health and safety may not be to EU standards but there again thats why they get stuff done.

Dubai a great place to visit, not my cup of tea to live there permanently but some do my daughter lives and works there and loves it.

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I've met heaps of Filipinos that have spent years working in Dubai. And I mean heaps. Maybe 20-30 who have worked in Dubai alone. And a lot more than that who have worked in other parts of the Middle East like Saudi and Kuwait. And I usually ask them how they found it.


of course we've all read these stories about the abuse cases and yes they are often reported and even one, is too much. But nobody I met ever had been abused and in fact, not one of them had much of a bad word to say about their time in places like Dubai. They accept it. They know they are not well paid. They know the hours are long. They know it would have been better for them had they managed to get an overseas job in the west and not the Gulf. But I'll tell you this - none of them, not one, would consider themselves as having been 'slaves'. People that bandy expressions like 'slave labour' around ought to be advised about what slaves actually were.


I have to admit that was exactly my findings.


Now bear in mind some of the jobs they do are likened to Russia's communist policy of a job for everyone. I met a guy who's only job was to clean the brass balustrades in a 6* conference facility when the guests had passed through. In the UK we wouldn't bother doing it except for the daily cleaner duties,in Dubai they'd rather it be cleaned and pay a pittance in our terms, but to the guy he was sending home £240 a month to the Phillipines for his family.

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